Publisher's Notes

Thank you for stopping by NYC Mood Swings. As like everyone else I have mood swings, especially with all the turmoil in this Country and around the World. Here is where I unleash my opinions, thoughts, hopes and fears. Get involved in the discussion and leave a comment. I would like to give advance thanks to all media that I use to express my views here. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I Should Start Looking for a New Job

My stomach was so nervous this morning as I sat on the sofa with coffee in hand, news on the television and blogging on the laptop. I felt as though I was having an anxiety attack. I knew someting was wrong, but wasn't sure exactly what. I get to work about 1:30p everything seemed as status quo. There was one thing different all of the higher ups were locked in the conference room. I still didn't see anything wrong at that point. So I carried on as usual since it's Monday before pay day I had to do payroll so I approached my boss to ask about Holiday pay for the part timers. He pulled me to the side and said that I should start looking for another job. He explained that they will be laying off all across the board. I was numb and just went into auto pilot, he wasn't sure when or if it is definite.

My partner of 7 years has been laid off since May and now both of us will be on unemployment. Will we be able to survive? My next thought was my health insurance.

I have been frustrated for along time trying to nuture my own business and maintain a full time job. So the best way for me to handle this is believing

things happen for a reason. I'll keep you posted.

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

I Should Start Looking for a New Job

My stomach was so nervous this morning as I sat on the sofa with coffee in hand, news on the television and blogging on the laptop. I felt as though I was having an anxiety attack. I knew someting was wrong, but wasn't sure exactly what. I get to work about 1:30p everything seemed as status quo. There was one thing different all of the higher ups were locked in the conference room. I still didn't see anything wrong at that point. So I carried on as usual since it's Monday before pay day I had to do payroll so I approached my boss to ask about Holiday pay for the part timers. He pulled me to the side and said that I should start looking for another job. He explained that they will be laying off all across the board. I was numb and just went into auto pilot, he wasn't sure when or if it is definite.

My partner of 7 years has been laid off since May and now both of us will be on unemployment. Will we be able to survive? My next thought was my health insurance.

I have been frustrated for along time trying to nuture my own business and maintain a full time job. So the best way for me to handle this is believing

things happen for a reason. I'll keep you posted.

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Feelings of Inadequatcy

I have a very self assured persona that seems to fool a lot people. Some days I really believe it myself, however today is not one of those days. I am a scared little girl on the inside full of doubts and fears. I feel as though any accomplishments I might have are just a fluke and will be revealed as a hoax. I am an Event Coordinator for a very well known company in New York City that I must admit I stumbled into. I was hired as a Customer Service/ Registrar about 4 years ago, from there I became Manager of the Call Center then down sizing hit and I was switched to an Event Coordinator. It's a fun and interesting job but I feel as though I'm out of my league at times. Today I really messed up on one of our locations for a class. I never reserved the room for tonight. After some confusion early in the night I was able to fix the situation, but I discovered 2 more errors for the rest of the week. The common sense me knows these mistakes can be rectfied but the emotional me is screaming "Now they all will know You're a fraud!!"

Here it is the next day, didn't sleep well worrying about the situation I'm in. Only thing left for me to do is fix it. I'm on the train headed to a new location where I hope to strike a deal to cover my ass for this upcoming Weds class I screwed up. Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted.
I was able to fix that problem with the help of the Catering Manager at a hotel that I use alot. So once again things worked and I was not exposed.

Here we're into a new week and I have yet to post this as you can see. I haven't been in the office since last Wednesday it's now Tuesday. I am beginning to fall into a state of depession which is being triggered by my job, fibromyalgia and financial situation. I am so anxiety rittled I feel as though my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I need some finacial miracle like the lottery. Does anyone else go through these emotional roller coasters?

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

Feelings of Inadequatcy

I have a very self assured persona that seems to fool a lot people. Some days I really believe it myself, however today is not one of those days. I am a scared little girl on the inside full of doubts and fears. I feel as though any accomplishments I might have are just a fluke and will be revealed as a hoax. I am an Event Coordinator for a very well known company in New York City that I must admit I stumbled into. I was hired as a Customer Service/ Registrar about 4 years ago, from there I became Manager of the Call Center then down sizing hit and I was switched to an Event Coordinator. It's a fun and interesting job but I feel as though I'm out of my league at times. Today I really messed up on one of our locations for a class. I never reserved the room for tonight. After some confusion early in the night I was able to fix the situation, but I discovered 2 more errors for the rest of the week. The common sense me knows these mistakes can be rectfied but the emotional me is screaming "Now they all will know You're a fraud!!"

Here it is the next day, didn't sleep well worrying about the situation I'm in. Only thing left for me to do is fix it. I'm on the train headed to a new location where I hope to strike a deal to cover my ass for this upcoming Weds class I screwed up. Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted.
I was able to fix that problem with the help of the Catering Manager at a hotel that I use alot. So once again things worked and I was not exposed.

Here we're into a new week and I have yet to post this as you can see. I haven't been in the office since last Wednesday it's now Tuesday. I am beginning to fall into a state of depession which is being triggered by my job, fibromyalgia and financial situation. I am so anxiety rittled I feel as though my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I need some finacial miracle like the lottery. Does anyone else go through these emotional roller coasters?

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Really You Thought To Do That Here!

NYC is crowded I know, but what's with those folks who see hundreds of people moving about like cattle and think that this would be a good time to stand in the middle of a walkway , top of the steps or doorway? I have no patience with inconsideration or stupidity. Why not have the same courtesy that we have on the highway for predestrians. Keep to the right, pass on the left, far right lane is for slow moving traffic. No stopping in intersections, entrance ramps or exit ramps. If you are not moving with the flow of traffic you should be ticketed. I love this city but it's too damn crowded!!!

And for you tourist; I don't come to your town and stand shoulder to shoulder on your sidewalks with eight of my friends. Be mindful when visiting someone else's home.

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

Really You Thought To Do That Here!

NYC is crowded I know, but what's with those folks who see hundreds of people moving about like cattle and think that this would be a good time to stand in the middle of a walkway , top of the steps or doorway? I have no patience with inconsideration or stupidity. Why not have the same courtesy that we have on the highway for predestrians. Keep to the right, pass on the left, far right lane is for slow moving traffic. No stopping in intersections, entrance ramps or exit ramps. If you are not moving with the flow of traffic you should be ticketed. I love this city but it's too damn crowded!!!

And for you tourist; I don't come to your town and stand shoulder to shoulder on your sidewalks with eight of my friends. Be mindful when visiting someone else's home.

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

Apprehensive and Anxious

Here we are a year into this recession which has been a wave of depression for me and partner. It's getting harder and harder to hold on. I have never had a career, just jobs, so I can get IN where I fit IN. My partner on the other hand has had a career for the past 15 years as a Media Buyer. The problem with that is it's a very specific field which is hopless to find openings, no one is hiring in this industry. If they are it's interactive or digital which basically is making her a dinasour in the business. We have gone from almost 100k a year household to 40k, that's a 60,000.00 cut. Like most in this predicument the monthly bills remain the same. We are barely surviving, not just financially but mentally and emotionally as well. Every week we have to figure out what's more pressing to pay, Rent? Food? Lights? Cable/Internet? Commuting cost? Cell phone? Robbing Peter to pay Paul. We are constantly going through our mood swings of hope to despondent, the arguments either one of us cries or an argument starts. We always come back to discuss the crux of our issues which usually is fear. Fear of being in the dark, fear of the next phone call, fear of rent not getting paid, fear of going without medication, fear of no way out of this bind! that's when it's time to say a prayer and wish for the best. Please God hear our prayers.

As I was writing this post I ran across an article that only reminded me that things might get worse.

High Jobless Rates Could Be The New Normal
Industries that previously jump started employment aren’t able to this time

Mark Lennihan / AP
Job seekers line up at a New York job fair. That the recovery in jobs will be long and drawn out is something on which economists and policy makers can basically agree, even as their proposals for remedies vary widely.
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Even with an economic revival, many U.S. jobs lost during the recession may be gone forever and a weak employment market could linger for years.

That could add up to a "new normal" of higher joblessness and lower standards of living for many Americans, some economists are suggesting.

The words "it's different this time" are always suspect. But economists and policy makers say the job-creating dynamics of previous recoveries can't be counted on now.

Here's why:

The auto and construction industries helped lead the nation out of past recessions. But the carnage among Detroit's automakers and the surplus of new and foreclosed homes and empty commercial properties make it unlikely these two industries will be engines of growth anytime soon.
The job market is caught in a vicious circle: Without more jobs, U.S. consumers will have a hard time increasing their spending; but without that spending, businesses might see little reason to start hiring.
Many small and midsize businesses are still struggling to obtain bank loans, impeding their expansion plans and constraining overall economic growth.
Higher-income households are spending less because of big losses on their homes, retirement plans and other investments. Lower-income households are cutting back because they can't borrow like they once did.
That the recovery in jobs will be long and drawn out is something on which economists and policy makers can basically agree, even as their proposals for remedies vary widely.

Retrenching businesses will be slow in hiring back or replacing workers they laid off. Many of the 7.2 million jobs the economy has shed since the recession began in December 2007 may never come back.

"This Great Recession is an inflection point for the economy in many respects. I think the unemployment rate will be permanently higher, or at least higher for the foreseeable future," said Mark Zandi, chief economist and co-founder of Moody's

"The collective psyche has changed as a result of what we've been through. And we're going to be different as a result," said Zandi, who formerly advised Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and now is consulted by Democrats in the administration and in Congress,

Even before the recession, many jobs had vanished or been shipped overseas amid a general decline of U.S. manufacturing. The severest downturn since the Great Depression has accelerated the process.

Many economists believe the recession reversed course in the recently ended third quarter and they predict modest growth in the nation's gross domestic product over the next few years. Yet the unemployment rate is currently at a 26-year high of 9.8 percent — and likely to top 10 percent soon and stay there a while.

"Many factors are pushing against a quick recovery," said Heidi Shierholz, an economist at the labor-oriented Economic Policy Institute. "Things will come back. But it's going to take a long time. I think we will likely see elevated unemployment at least until 2014."

At best, many economists see an economic recovery without a return to moderate unemployment. At worst, they suggest the fragile recovery could lose steam and drag the economy back under for a double-dip recession.

"We will need to grind out this recovery step by step," President Barack Obama said earlier this month.

Obama and congressional Democrats are having a hard time agreeing on how to keep the recovery going and help millions of unemployed workers — short of another round of stimulus spending amid rising voter alarm over soaring federal deficits.

So far, they've been unable to win even a simple three-month extension of unemployment insurance for people in states with jobless rates above 8.5 percent.

The extension easily passed the House earlier this month but is bogged down in the Senate over disputes over which states would get the funds. Hundreds of thousands of people have already lost their benefits or are about to lose them.

The White House credits the president's $787 billion stimulus plan passed in February for keeping job losses from becoming even worse. Since Obama took office in January, the economy has lost 3.4 million jobs.

Republicans argue that the stimulus program has not worked as a job producer and is a waste of tax money. And last week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce launched a multimillion advertising campaign to celebrate small business entrepreneurs — and to argue that further government intervention will not spur permanent job growth.

Chamber leaders called for creation of more than 20 million new private-sector jobs over the next decade, saying it's needed to replace jobs lost in the recession and to keep pace with population growth.

"The government can support a few jobs in the short-run" while free enterprise is the only system that can create 20 million of them, said Thomas Donohue, the chamber president.

To many economists, such a goal seems unreachable given today's altered economic landscape.

"It's a new normal that U.S. growth is going to be anemic on average for years. Right now, the prospect is bleak for anything other than a particularly high unemployment rate and a weak jobs-creating machine," said Allen Sinai, president of Decision Economics Inc. He says he doubts that unemployment will dip below 7 percent anytime soon.

Many economists consider a jobless rate of 4 to 5 percent as reflecting a "full employment" economy, one in which nearly everyone who wants a job has one. After the 2001 recession the rate climbed to 5.8 percent in 2002 and peaked at 6.3 percent in 2003 before easing back to 4.6 percent for 2006 and 2007.

Will unemployment ever get back to such levels?

"I wouldn't say never. But I do think it's going to be a long time," said Bruce Bartlett, a former Treasury Department economist and the author of the book "The New American Economy: The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward."

"The linkage between growth in the economy and growth in jobs is not what it was. I don't know if it's permanently broken or temporarily broken. But clearly we are not seeing the sort of increase in employment that one would normally expect," said Bartlett.

God Hear Our Prayers!

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

Apprehensive and Anxious

Here we are a year into this recession which has been a wave of depression for me and partner. It's getting harder and harder to hold on. I have never had a career, just jobs, so I can get IN where I fit IN. My partner on the other hand has had a career for the past 15 years as a Media Buyer. The problem with that is it's a very specific field which is hopless to find openings, no one is hiring in this industry. If they are it's interactive or digital which basically is making her a dinasour in the business. We have gone from almost 100k a year household to 40k, that's a 60,000.00 cut. Like most in this predicument the monthly bills remain the same. We are barely surviving, not just financially but mentally and emotionally as well. Every week we have to figure out what's more pressing to pay, Rent? Food? Lights? Cable/Internet? Commuting cost? Cell phone? Robbing Peter to pay Paul. We are constantly going through our mood swings of hope to despondent, the arguments either one of us cries or an argument starts. We always come back to discuss the crux of our issues which usually is fear. Fear of being in the dark, fear of the next phone call, fear of rent not getting paid, fear of going without medication, fear of no way out of this bind! that's when it's time to say a prayer and wish for the best. Please God hear our prayers.

As I was writing this post I ran across an article that only reminded me that things might get worse.

High Jobless Rates Could Be The New Normal
Industries that previously jump started employment aren’t able to this time

Mark Lennihan / AP
Job seekers line up at a New York job fair. That the recovery in jobs will be long and drawn out is something on which economists and policy makers can basically agree, even as their proposals for remedies vary widely.
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Even with an economic revival, many U.S. jobs lost during the recession may be gone forever and a weak employment market could linger for years.

That could add up to a "new normal" of higher joblessness and lower standards of living for many Americans, some economists are suggesting.

The words "it's different this time" are always suspect. But economists and policy makers say the job-creating dynamics of previous recoveries can't be counted on now.

Here's why:

The auto and construction industries helped lead the nation out of past recessions. But the carnage among Detroit's automakers and the surplus of new and foreclosed homes and empty commercial properties make it unlikely these two industries will be engines of growth anytime soon.
The job market is caught in a vicious circle: Without more jobs, U.S. consumers will have a hard time increasing their spending; but without that spending, businesses might see little reason to start hiring.
Many small and midsize businesses are still struggling to obtain bank loans, impeding their expansion plans and constraining overall economic growth.
Higher-income households are spending less because of big losses on their homes, retirement plans and other investments. Lower-income households are cutting back because they can't borrow like they once did.
That the recovery in jobs will be long and drawn out is something on which economists and policy makers can basically agree, even as their proposals for remedies vary widely.

Retrenching businesses will be slow in hiring back or replacing workers they laid off. Many of the 7.2 million jobs the economy has shed since the recession began in December 2007 may never come back.

"This Great Recession is an inflection point for the economy in many respects. I think the unemployment rate will be permanently higher, or at least higher for the foreseeable future," said Mark Zandi, chief economist and co-founder of Moody's

"The collective psyche has changed as a result of what we've been through. And we're going to be different as a result," said Zandi, who formerly advised Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and now is consulted by Democrats in the administration and in Congress,

Even before the recession, many jobs had vanished or been shipped overseas amid a general decline of U.S. manufacturing. The severest downturn since the Great Depression has accelerated the process.

Many economists believe the recession reversed course in the recently ended third quarter and they predict modest growth in the nation's gross domestic product over the next few years. Yet the unemployment rate is currently at a 26-year high of 9.8 percent — and likely to top 10 percent soon and stay there a while.

"Many factors are pushing against a quick recovery," said Heidi Shierholz, an economist at the labor-oriented Economic Policy Institute. "Things will come back. But it's going to take a long time. I think we will likely see elevated unemployment at least until 2014."

At best, many economists see an economic recovery without a return to moderate unemployment. At worst, they suggest the fragile recovery could lose steam and drag the economy back under for a double-dip recession.

"We will need to grind out this recovery step by step," President Barack Obama said earlier this month.

Obama and congressional Democrats are having a hard time agreeing on how to keep the recovery going and help millions of unemployed workers — short of another round of stimulus spending amid rising voter alarm over soaring federal deficits.

So far, they've been unable to win even a simple three-month extension of unemployment insurance for people in states with jobless rates above 8.5 percent.

The extension easily passed the House earlier this month but is bogged down in the Senate over disputes over which states would get the funds. Hundreds of thousands of people have already lost their benefits or are about to lose them.

The White House credits the president's $787 billion stimulus plan passed in February for keeping job losses from becoming even worse. Since Obama took office in January, the economy has lost 3.4 million jobs.

Republicans argue that the stimulus program has not worked as a job producer and is a waste of tax money. And last week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce launched a multimillion advertising campaign to celebrate small business entrepreneurs — and to argue that further government intervention will not spur permanent job growth.

Chamber leaders called for creation of more than 20 million new private-sector jobs over the next decade, saying it's needed to replace jobs lost in the recession and to keep pace with population growth.

"The government can support a few jobs in the short-run" while free enterprise is the only system that can create 20 million of them, said Thomas Donohue, the chamber president.

To many economists, such a goal seems unreachable given today's altered economic landscape.

"It's a new normal that U.S. growth is going to be anemic on average for years. Right now, the prospect is bleak for anything other than a particularly high unemployment rate and a weak jobs-creating machine," said Allen Sinai, president of Decision Economics Inc. He says he doubts that unemployment will dip below 7 percent anytime soon.

Many economists consider a jobless rate of 4 to 5 percent as reflecting a "full employment" economy, one in which nearly everyone who wants a job has one. After the 2001 recession the rate climbed to 5.8 percent in 2002 and peaked at 6.3 percent in 2003 before easing back to 4.6 percent for 2006 and 2007.

Will unemployment ever get back to such levels?

"I wouldn't say never. But I do think it's going to be a long time," said Bruce Bartlett, a former Treasury Department economist and the author of the book "The New American Economy: The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward."

"The linkage between growth in the economy and growth in jobs is not what it was. I don't know if it's permanently broken or temporarily broken. But clearly we are not seeing the sort of increase in employment that one would normally expect," said Bartlett.

God Hear Our Prayers!

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Doctor's Are Big Business

Today I had to see the Doctor so that she could and would write another prescription for my high blood pressure. I have to say I was totally disturbed and angered by the way she seemed to have held my prescription hostage so that I would have to pay for a visit. Let me back up to 2 weeks ago when I discovered that I no longer had refills left after speaking with the Pharmacist. I called my Doctor who has this very strange office manager that answered the phone. I started by asking if the Doctor would call in my prescription because I am almost out of medication. He replied with, you probably will have to come in to see her. I explained that my partner has been laid off and my hours cut so I don't have money for a visit plus my co-pay for the prescription. Let me add this was the week of paying rent so you know I was broke. He said let me call her and then I'll call you back. The call back really annoyed me because he claimed I must make an appointment in order to get this prescription. For the record I have been on this medication for almost ten years so what's changed all of a sudden. After going back and forth with him (office manager) I finally agreed to come in on the next available opening which was a week later. Needless to say as predicted I did not have the money for the visit. So I wasn't able to go.
Fast foward to today, I'm waiting to see the Doctor and her nurse did not know how to work this new fangled blood pressure equipment. The nurse finally gave up and resorted to the old reliable way of getting a blood pressure reading. And yes it was high. In walks the Doctor saying she hears that I am going through some financial difficulties and that it's bad every where. Something I don't need or want to hear from a dDoctor with a practice in Mid-Town Manhattan and a full waiting room. She took her stethascope and listened to my lungs and checked my neck and that was the end of this medical visit. She said she was writing me a presciption for six months but that she would like to see me once a month to monitor my pressure. For what I asked if everything is status quo. Just to be sure evrything is going smoothly. Do I look like I have extra money to give to her so that she can tell me evrything is going smoothly?
I go out to the waiting room to wait for the presciptions and her Office Manager is trying to set up an appointment for next month, the he says "You have two missed appointment charges that we need to make payment plan for" I lost my mind on him! Take my name off of that appointment and I'm not paying anything! I said. Our last conversation we spoke for almost 20 minutes as I tried to explain to you that I most likely would not have the funds for a visit plus medication so that was a chance you you took. And I'm not paying for something you damn near black mailed me into agreeing to. I took my presciptions and left. Maybe it's me but why does a Doctor feel that they have the right to play with my health and finances so that they can bill my insurance company. She didn't run test, not even an extensive check up so what the hell did I have to come in for? To insult to injury you want charge me monthly so that you can say everything is ok? Not me.

Doctor's Are Big Business

Today I had to see the Doctor so that she could and would write another prescription for my high blood pressure. I have to say I was totally disturbed and angered by the way she seemed to have held my prescription hostage so that I would have to pay for a visit. Let me back up to 2 weeks ago when I discovered that I no longer had refills left after speaking with the Pharmacist. I called my Doctor who has this very strange office manager that answered the phone. I started by asking if the Doctor would call in my prescription because I am almost out of medication. He replied with, you probably will have to come in to see her. I explained that my partner has been laid off and my hours cut so I don't have money for a visit plus my co-pay for the prescription. Let me add this was the week of paying rent so you know I was broke. He said let me call her and then I'll call you back. The call back really annoyed me because he claimed I must make an appointment in order to get this prescription. For the record I have been on this medication for almost ten years so what's changed all of a sudden. After going back and forth with him (office manager) I finally agreed to come in on the next available opening which was a week later. Needless to say as predicted I did not have the money for the visit. So I wasn't able to go.
Fast foward to today, I'm waiting to see the Doctor and her nurse did not know how to work this new fangled blood pressure equipment. The nurse finally gave up and resorted to the old reliable way of getting a blood pressure reading. And yes it was high. In walks the Doctor saying she hears that I am going through some financial difficulties and that it's bad every where. Something I don't need or want to hear from a dDoctor with a practice in Mid-Town Manhattan and a full waiting room. She took her stethascope and listened to my lungs and checked my neck and that was the end of this medical visit. She said she was writing me a presciption for six months but that she would like to see me once a month to monitor my pressure. For what I asked if everything is status quo. Just to be sure evrything is going smoothly. Do I look like I have extra money to give to her so that she can tell me evrything is going smoothly?
I go out to the waiting room to wait for the presciptions and her Office Manager is trying to set up an appointment for next month, the he says "You have two missed appointment charges that we need to make payment plan for" I lost my mind on him! Take my name off of that appointment and I'm not paying anything! I said. Our last conversation we spoke for almost 20 minutes as I tried to explain to you that I most likely would not have the funds for a visit plus medication so that was a chance you you took. And I'm not paying for something you damn near black mailed me into agreeing to. I took my presciptions and left. Maybe it's me but why does a Doctor feel that they have the right to play with my health and finances so that they can bill my insurance company. She didn't run test, not even an extensive check up so what the hell did I have to come in for? To insult to injury you want charge me monthly so that you can say everything is ok? Not me.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

40th Annaul New York Gay Pride Parade Coming Up

I love this time of year! When the Gay Pride Parade comes around it's a time for letting your self go. The festivities are so elaborate, everyone is in such a good mood and a lot of exceptance and toleration takes place. The music is fantastic (usually club). And the creativity of the costumes is something out of this world. I am a Lesbian who has been in a relation for almost 7 years and it is refreshing to have an event that allows us to stand out and be noticed. The turn outs are huge so you start to realize that you are very normal not too continue being made to feel that you are this small community of perverts and misfits. YAY!! PRIDE!!!

40th Annaul New York Gay Pride Parade Coming Up

I love this time of year! When the Gay Pride Parade comes around it's a time for letting your self go. The festivities are so elaborate, everyone is in such a good mood and a lot of exceptance and toleration takes place. The music is fantastic (usually club). And the creativity of the costumes is something out of this world. I am a Lesbian who has been in a relation for almost 7 years and it is refreshing to have an event that allows us to stand out and be noticed. The turn outs are huge so you start to realize that you are very normal not too continue being made to feel that you are this small community of perverts and misfits. YAY!! PRIDE!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

A plainclothes policeman who drew his gun while chasing someone he had found rummaging through his car was shot and killed by a fellow officer who was

shot and killed by a fellow officer who was driving by and saw the pursuit, the police commissioner said.

The funeral was held at Our Lady of Victory which is a beautiful Catholic Church down the street from me in Bed Stuy. Here are some pictures I took on my way to work as I passed through on my way to the C train.

Was in a rush to get to work and discovered that I am that cold self centered New yorker..taking pictures and wanting everyone to get out of my way.

A plainclothes policeman who drew his gun while chasing someone he had found rummaging through his car was shot and killed by a fellow officer who was

shot and killed by a fellow officer who was driving by and saw the pursuit, the police commissioner said.

The funeral was held at Our Lady of Victory which is a beautiful Catholic Church down the street from me in Bed Stuy. Here are some pictures I took on my way to work as I passed through on my way to the C train.

Was in a rush to get to work and discovered that I am that cold self centered New yorker..taking pictures and wanting everyone to get out of my way.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What Did I Do Wrong?

Have you ever gone through a bad time in your life and stop to ask GOD or your higher power, "What Did I Do Wrong?" Well that's where I am right now. I tried to treat people the way I want to be treated. So what is that I've done to bring on this spell of bad luck?

My hours where were cut and my partner was laid off all in the same week. There's termoil in the family and I actully am beginning to hate my job. I am concerned about my 16 year old son, my weight loss program has been haulted, have some health issues and everyone is calling for payment. When it rains it pours..This is all transpiring within a month's time. Overwhelmed? Yes!

My motto is usually "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger" but it's becoming a bit much. I hope it's true what they say about cycles of good and bad. Got to take the bad to get the good. If this is true then I should have a winfall coming soon.

I am a big believer in Karma and which is why I'm trying to figure out if I have wronged someone and am getting paid back. I know that sounds a little superstitious but I normally don't have such a stressful life.

The worse part is the guilt of feeling sorry fo myself, I must remeber that there are many people much worse off that me. So I guess I need to just deal with it and hope it passes soon.

What Did I Do Wrong?

Have you ever gone through a bad time in your life and stop to ask GOD or your higher power, "What Did I Do Wrong?" Well that's where I am right now. I tried to treat people the way I want to be treated. So what is that I've done to bring on this spell of bad luck?

My hours where were cut and my partner was laid off all in the same week. There's termoil in the family and I actully am beginning to hate my job. I am concerned about my 16 year old son, my weight loss program has been haulted, have some health issues and everyone is calling for payment. When it rains it pours..This is all transpiring within a month's time. Overwhelmed? Yes!

My motto is usually "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger" but it's becoming a bit much. I hope it's true what they say about cycles of good and bad. Got to take the bad to get the good. If this is true then I should have a winfall coming soon.

I am a big believer in Karma and which is why I'm trying to figure out if I have wronged someone and am getting paid back. I know that sounds a little superstitious but I normally don't have such a stressful life.

The worse part is the guilt of feeling sorry fo myself, I must remeber that there are many people much worse off that me. So I guess I need to just deal with it and hope it passes soon.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nicolas Cage car stunt goes wrong in Times Square (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A stunt man filming a car chase in Times Square for a new Nicolas Cage movie crashed his Ferrari into a store front and two pedestrians suffered minor injuries, police and the film's producers said on Monday.

The crash, which happened early on Monday, was captured on amateur video that was posted on the New York Post website, .
It showed two cars weaving in between other traffic before the front one skidded out of control, mounting the sidewalk and crashing into the window of an outlet of an Italian chain restaurant.

Normal traffic in Times Square had been shut down for the filming of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," and all the cars in the video were part of the movie shoot.

Police said a 23-year-old man was hit by a falling pole and complained of a head injury, and a 21-year-old woman suffered a foot injury. Both injuries were considered minor and the stunt man driving the car was uninjured.

"On site production medics responded immediately and two pedestrians were taken to the hospital for evaluation," said a statement from the production of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," which is a Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films production.

"One person has been released and while we were told the second person was also released we have not been able to confirm that," said the statement. "All safety regulations were followed and second unit filming will continue as planned."

Due for release in mid-2010, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" is the story of a college student reluctantly recruited to work for a sorcerer, played by Cage. Set in contemporary New York, it is based on the segment of the same name from the Disney animated film "Fantasia."

(Reporting by Claudia Parsons)

Nicolas Cage car stunt goes wrong in Times Square (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A stunt man filming a car chase in Times Square for a new Nicolas Cage movie crashed his Ferrari into a store front and two pedestrians suffered minor injuries, police and the film's producers said on Monday.

The crash, which happened early on Monday, was captured on amateur video that was posted on the New York Post website, .
It showed two cars weaving in between other traffic before the front one skidded out of control, mounting the sidewalk and crashing into the window of an outlet of an Italian chain restaurant.

Normal traffic in Times Square had been shut down for the filming of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," and all the cars in the video were part of the movie shoot.

Police said a 23-year-old man was hit by a falling pole and complained of a head injury, and a 21-year-old woman suffered a foot injury. Both injuries were considered minor and the stunt man driving the car was uninjured.

"On site production medics responded immediately and two pedestrians were taken to the hospital for evaluation," said a statement from the production of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," which is a Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films production.

"One person has been released and while we were told the second person was also released we have not been able to confirm that," said the statement. "All safety regulations were followed and second unit filming will continue as planned."

Due for release in mid-2010, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" is the story of a college student reluctantly recruited to work for a sorcerer, played by Cage. Set in contemporary New York, it is based on the segment of the same name from the Disney animated film "Fantasia."

(Reporting by Claudia Parsons)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New York Tops Best Restaurant List

City Eateries Among World's Best - But We Knew That


New York led the way among US cities -- that shouldn't surprise you -- on the list of the world's top restaurants.

Eight New York eateries are among the world's top 100 restaurants, according to a new survey.

Per Se, serving American and French cuisine at Columbus Circle, checked in at No. 6 on the list, according to the S.Pellegrino World's 50 best Restaurants list.

Le Bernardin ranked No. 15. If the food is half as cool as the restaurant's Web site, that lofty placement seems well deserved. Le Bernardin is located in Midtown and serves mainly seafood.

Jean Georges, serving French and Asian plates, also cracked the top 20. Just a block north of Columbus Circle, it made the list at No. 19.

Momofuku Ssam Bar , in the East Village, ranked No. 31. As part of an LOCALS ONLY event, chef David Chang is going to cook lunch for you on the street if you can find him this week.

Other New York restaurants on the list include Daniel (No. 41), Babbo (90) and Del Posto (99).

El Bulli, in Spain, was No. 1 in the world.

A handful of other American joints made the list, but New York had by far the most restaurants among American cities.

Thanks to nbcNewYork

New York Tops Best Restaurant List

City Eateries Among World's Best - But We Knew That


New York led the way among US cities -- that shouldn't surprise you -- on the list of the world's top restaurants.

Eight New York eateries are among the world's top 100 restaurants, according to a new survey.

Per Se, serving American and French cuisine at Columbus Circle, checked in at No. 6 on the list, according to the S.Pellegrino World's 50 best Restaurants list.

Le Bernardin ranked No. 15. If the food is half as cool as the restaurant's Web site, that lofty placement seems well deserved. Le Bernardin is located in Midtown and serves mainly seafood.

Jean Georges, serving French and Asian plates, also cracked the top 20. Just a block north of Columbus Circle, it made the list at No. 19.

Momofuku Ssam Bar , in the East Village, ranked No. 31. As part of an LOCALS ONLY event, chef David Chang is going to cook lunch for you on the street if you can find him this week.

Other New York restaurants on the list include Daniel (No. 41), Babbo (90) and Del Posto (99).

El Bulli, in Spain, was No. 1 in the world.

A handful of other American joints made the list, but New York had by far the most restaurants among American cities.

Thanks to nbcNewYork

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Can You Understand What They're Saying?

On A line W4 stop.

So your train's not running and this is the only information you'll receive. Does anybody understand what's being said? Fare hike? For what?

Can You Understand What They're Saying?

On A line W4 stop.

So your train's not running and this is the only information you'll receive. Does anybody understand what's being said? Fare hike? For what?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tolerence is experiment

Tolerence is experiment

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Please Just Bathe!!!

I use taxi and cabs on a regular basis in Brooklyn and Manhattan. From going back and forth to the A train for work to coming home from hanging out in Manhattan. There's one thing I just can't tolerate and that's BO. Especially in Brooklyn the cab drivers smell sooo bad, like dirty clothes and unbathed bodies. If I as a customer can get in your cab and smell you, why can't you. It's so strong and thick you could cut it with a knife. Besides getting sick to my stomach, I also fear the ordor getting in my clothes. Now don't miss understand me, not all cab drivers smell but a large majority do. as a courtesy to the customer PLEASE JUST BATHE!! Why should I have to pay someone to transport me from one point to another if I can't breath or get sick. Soon as the door opens I'm hit in the fast by a sledge hammer of funk then I have to roll the window down or ask for it to be rolled down. Regardless of the weather conditions. It's real simple take a bath and wash your clothes. Thanks

Please Just Bathe!!!

I use taxi and cabs on a regular basis in Brooklyn and Manhattan. From going back and forth to the A train for work to coming home from hanging out in Manhattan. There's one thing I just can't tolerate and that's BO. Especially in Brooklyn the cab drivers smell sooo bad, like dirty clothes and unbathed bodies. If I as a customer can get in your cab and smell you, why can't you. It's so strong and thick you could cut it with a knife. Besides getting sick to my stomach, I also fear the ordor getting in my clothes. Now don't miss understand me, not all cab drivers smell but a large majority do. as a courtesy to the customer PLEASE JUST BATHE!! Why should I have to pay someone to transport me from one point to another if I can't breath or get sick. Soon as the door opens I'm hit in the fast by a sledge hammer of funk then I have to roll the window down or ask for it to be rolled down. Regardless of the weather conditions. It's real simple take a bath and wash your clothes. Thanks

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This was the headline of the New Post this morning which I was some what glad to see. The 100% taxed part that is, but the fact that AIG had to be bailed out with our/my tax dollars infuriates me. Here I am, a hard working woman who pays taxes without fail every year has to wait for my NYS tax refund BUT these greedy/selfish bastards are still entitled to bonuses. So basically WE the tax payers are paying these outlandish bonuses.

This was the headline of the New Post this morning which I was some what glad to see. The 100% taxed part that is, but the fact that AIG had to be bailed out with our/my tax dollars infuriates me. Here I am, a hard working woman who pays taxes without fail every year has to wait for my NYS tax refund BUT these greedy/selfish bastards are still entitled to bonuses. So basically WE the tax payers are paying these outlandish bonuses.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Boy Am I Getting Old...Last House On The Left Just Proved It.

As I sit here blogging when Last House on the Left movie trailer comes on and I start to think WOW they re-did that. My next thought was "how old was I when this was first out?" and my answer was 6...6 years old. I will turn 43 on Sunday March 8th. DAMN! I'm getting old. Here's the original back in 1972...




Boy Am I Getting Old...Last House On The Left Just Proved It.

As I sit here blogging when Last House on the Left movie trailer comes on and I start to think WOW they re-did that. My next thought was "how old was I when this was first out?" and my answer was 6...6 years old. I will turn 43 on Sunday March 8th. DAMN! I'm getting old. Here's the original back in 1972...




American Idol Update...Thanks to ET online I found this.

American Idol" went wild Thursday night as three of the eight wild-card hopefuls made it into the Top 12 -- but in a shocking, last-minute turn of events, the judges allowed a fourth contestant through.
Jasmine Murray, Megan Corkrey and Matt Giraud became the final three singers to get the judges' blessing -- that is, until Simon told Anoop Desai right before the show went off the air: "We decided recently we're going to make this a Top 13."
So, this season it will be Jasmine, Megan, Matt and Anoop joining Lil Rounds, Scott MacIntyre, Jorge Nuñez, Alexis Grace, Michael Sarver, Danny Gokey, Allison Iraheta, Kris Allen and Adam Lambert in the Top 13.
Catch "American Idol"'s Top 13 as they begin the battle to become the next singing sensation next Tuesday at 8 p.m. on FOX.

American Idol Update...Thanks to ET online I found this.

American Idol" went wild Thursday night as three of the eight wild-card hopefuls made it into the Top 12 -- but in a shocking, last-minute turn of events, the judges allowed a fourth contestant through.
Jasmine Murray, Megan Corkrey and Matt Giraud became the final three singers to get the judges' blessing -- that is, until Simon told Anoop Desai right before the show went off the air: "We decided recently we're going to make this a Top 13."
So, this season it will be Jasmine, Megan, Matt and Anoop joining Lil Rounds, Scott MacIntyre, Jorge Nuñez, Alexis Grace, Michael Sarver, Danny Gokey, Allison Iraheta, Kris Allen and Adam Lambert in the Top 13.
Catch "American Idol"'s Top 13 as they begin the battle to become the next singing sensation next Tuesday at 8 p.m. on FOX.

For All You American Idol Followers...

Was it just me or did anyone else miss the ending of American Idol on DVR? Here I am on the edge of my seat hoping that Matt makes the 12th person and it ends. This is not the first time this has happened and I don't understand if I tape the the whole program why can't I get the whole program. Remember during the finals of last years American Idol the same thing happened. Damn this meeds to be fixed. I have to go now and find out who was the 12th person. Go Matt!! I'll keep you posted.

For All You American Idol Followers...

Was it just me or did anyone else miss the ending of American Idol on DVR? Here I am on the edge of my seat hoping that Matt makes the 12th person and it ends. This is not the first time this has happened and I don't understand if I tape the the whole program why can't I get the whole program. Remember during the finals of last years American Idol the same thing happened. Damn this meeds to be fixed. I have to go now and find out who was the 12th person. Go Matt!! I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where the HELL is my NY State Tax refund????

I Filed for my taxes on January 15th and received my federal 4 days later. I am still waiting for my state. As I search the web I find that most people are in the same situation. I don't understand why would the state think it's a good idea to delay funds from people who are in financial crisis mode. So many are unemployed and if they have qualified for unemployment the most they can receive in New York State is $405. a week. This is a fraction of what most of us are used to living on. Governor Patterson and the rest of the employed politician in Albany could careless that there are people struggling to survive and that their refunds (which were earned) are being withheld. So this bad situation is being made worse. I stmbled upon this link to an Albany News Paper which discusses the refund delay problem in New York State. Click here to read more I need my money!!!!


Where the HELL is my NY State Tax refund????

I Filed for my taxes on January 15th and received my federal 4 days later. I am still waiting for my state. As I search the web I find that most people are in the same situation. I don't understand why would the state think it's a good idea to delay funds from people who are in financial crisis mode. So many are unemployed and if they have qualified for unemployment the most they can receive in New York State is $405. a week. This is a fraction of what most of us are used to living on. Governor Patterson and the rest of the employed politician in Albany could careless that there are people struggling to survive and that their refunds (which were earned) are being withheld. So this bad situation is being made worse. I stmbled upon this link to an Albany News Paper which discusses the refund delay problem in New York State. Click here to read more I need my money!!!!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

How Unsettling!!!

It's been a while; I'm back with some more of life's ups and downs which I'm sure we all can relate to. Last Wednesday I got off from work at 5:00pm got on the subway to go home after a long and frustrating day. Once on the other side in Brooklyn I stopped picked a bottle of wine, dinner and snacks so that I would be totally prepared for a night in. As I walk up the stairs to my brownsone apartment with anticipation of relaxing I put my key in the door, turned the lock and opened the door. I see that the hallway light is on, (mental note) I didn't leave that light on when I left. As I visually panned the living room I see clothes strewed across the floor. Now! I know I didn't do that. Immediately I look toward my laptop which I left on the coffee table and it's GONE! What the F*CK? I ran to the back to find one of 3 windows wide open and the curtain blowing outwardly. My first reaction was to close the window then I checked the bathroom and bedroom before calling the police. I dialed 911 and tell the dispatcher that my apartment has just been robbed, she responded with a few questions then telling me that the police are on their way. I then called my landlord who wasn't surpirised, she said that she heard suspiciuos walking coming from our apartment and she (who lives downstairs) said that she remembered thinking that we shouldn't be home since we both work. As she was putting on something so that she could check she heard someone running down the stairs and out the door. By the time she got to her door to see she saw someone quickly walking away down the street. So I asked her when was that she said about 20 minutes ago. Now this situation took on a new feel, this woul;d mean that I just missed walking in on this person. Remember earlier I told you that I stopped off for wine and food. Had I not who knows what would have happened.

The most valuable thing he took was my laptop and my bootleg Gucci shades. Keep in mind I have real Chanel's and Armani's. I know this wasn't someone who had just lost their job, NO this was some Lazy Ass bum who lives off of those of us who get up everyday to make a living and take care of ourselves. So who ever you are I hope it was worth it!

Now my landlord is putting in window guards which on one hand is comforting and on the other is some what unsettling.

How Unsettling!!!

It's been a while; I'm back with some more of life's ups and downs which I'm sure we all can relate to. Last Wednesday I got off from work at 5:00pm got on the subway to go home after a long and frustrating day. Once on the other side in Brooklyn I stopped picked a bottle of wine, dinner and snacks so that I would be totally prepared for a night in. As I walk up the stairs to my brownsone apartment with anticipation of relaxing I put my key in the door, turned the lock and opened the door. I see that the hallway light is on, (mental note) I didn't leave that light on when I left. As I visually panned the living room I see clothes strewed across the floor. Now! I know I didn't do that. Immediately I look toward my laptop which I left on the coffee table and it's GONE! What the F*CK? I ran to the back to find one of 3 windows wide open and the curtain blowing outwardly. My first reaction was to close the window then I checked the bathroom and bedroom before calling the police. I dialed 911 and tell the dispatcher that my apartment has just been robbed, she responded with a few questions then telling me that the police are on their way. I then called my landlord who wasn't surpirised, she said that she heard suspiciuos walking coming from our apartment and she (who lives downstairs) said that she remembered thinking that we shouldn't be home since we both work. As she was putting on something so that she could check she heard someone running down the stairs and out the door. By the time she got to her door to see she saw someone quickly walking away down the street. So I asked her when was that she said about 20 minutes ago. Now this situation took on a new feel, this woul;d mean that I just missed walking in on this person. Remember earlier I told you that I stopped off for wine and food. Had I not who knows what would have happened.

The most valuable thing he took was my laptop and my bootleg Gucci shades. Keep in mind I have real Chanel's and Armani's. I know this wasn't someone who had just lost their job, NO this was some Lazy Ass bum who lives off of those of us who get up everyday to make a living and take care of ourselves. So who ever you are I hope it was worth it!

Now my landlord is putting in window guards which on one hand is comforting and on the other is some what unsettling.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


How disappointing is the lost today with the Eagles. That's the end of our season, I was sure that we would make it to The Super Bowl or at least to Division Championship. What happened ELI? He threw 3 good passes and only one of those connected. Giants couldn't get pass 3rd down all day and never scored a touchdown...WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? Me and Tricia were so upset I cried a little and both needed consoling.

Now who am I going to root for? Definitely not the Eagles! Who is going to make to the Super Bowl? I guess I'm going to have to go with Arizona Cardinal's, out of all of the teams left they're the only team who's never been to the Super Bowl. Go CARDINALS!!!!!!


How disappointing is the lost today with the Eagles. That's the end of our season, I was sure that we would make it to The Super Bowl or at least to Division Championship. What happened ELI? He threw 3 good passes and only one of those connected. Giants couldn't get pass 3rd down all day and never scored a touchdown...WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? Me and Tricia were so upset I cried a little and both needed consoling.

Now who am I going to root for? Definitely not the Eagles! Who is going to make to the Super Bowl? I guess I'm going to have to go with Arizona Cardinal's, out of all of the teams left they're the only team who's never been to the Super Bowl. Go CARDINALS!!!!!!