Publisher's Notes

Thank you for stopping by NYC Mood Swings. As like everyone else I have mood swings, especially with all the turmoil in this Country and around the World. Here is where I unleash my opinions, thoughts, hopes and fears. Get involved in the discussion and leave a comment. I would like to give advance thanks to all media that I use to express my views here. Enjoy.

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Next President of The UNITED STATES.. You Go Girl!!!

Yes Finally!!! What a proud and monumental moment to see our first WOMAN Presidential Nominee ever!!! I must say it brought tears to my eyes, for more than one reason that is.

 Firstly watching a man that I have grown to LOVE, ADMIRE, TRUST and gave me a great sense of PRIDE will soon be leaving the White House.

 Secondly as the 1st BLACK PRESIDENT passed the baton to Our First Woman to get the nomination was very over-whelming..

With those thoughts now out of the way let me peel away the layers of HILLARY CLINTON I have found inspiring and hopeful. Before going any further let me start by saying NO ONE is perfect. That would include all races, religions, genders and professions. I just can't wrap my head around WHY ONLY HILLARY SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE?. The fact that her critics claim she can't be trusted and always choose to ignore her lifetime of service. I am not naive enough to think a life long politician should not have a few things they in hind sight would change. Now about this FAKE attack that Hillary is an abuser of women is a myth made up by the right. I was a grown ass woman at the time of Bill's escapades in the 90's and that's when I decided HILLARY handled being mocked, disrespected and publicly humiliated by actions of others, lead with GRACE and STRENGTH. (side note: LADYSWAY = like a palm tree in a storm I might sway and bend but never break) That's Hillary Clinton

Now I know this statement is going to upset a some of you, but I'm a realist and believe this to be true. There are plenty of women, not all or many but a few who believe the POWER IS THEIR PU**Y rather than THEIR BRAIN. Meaning they chase Famous or Powerful men with the hope of landing him. Once ignored the feeling of assault seems to take over. Now don't misunderstand me  yes, Bill was the President and should have been above this behavior but he wasn't. How is this Hillary's fault? Why is Sally Miller not held accountable for sleeping with a married man? Truth be told most women would have kicked her ass. Now this 3 times married buffoon with rape allegations   and lets not forget his 3 upcoming court dates is qualified to question Hillary's character?

                                                          Photo and article found here

Here's my take. I've been approached, flirted with and sexually harassed throughout my life. With that said I have NEVER gone with it to complain later. The complaint should come before the action and in the case of Sally Miller she was having an affair with a known married man, how is she the victim? Sorry let's let that go or place blame where it belongs.

 She has worked tirelessly against the grain to better the lives of many and I don't get this BULLSHIT that she is the worse person ever. However I know that strong women make weak men crumble and fall.

Oh and I'm going to suggest that the GOP should push education more in their platform rather than accepting peoples ignorance. Even though I get why they don't. How else can you blidly lead people to fight a fake battle. If they were independent thinkers this BENGAZI would be over.

These idiots have ran an entire campaign on this topic. Now an intelligent person would realize that sadly attacks happen  and if investigated to no avail would let it go. Not these dim-wits. Why I say this? Well here's a list I found on International Business Times of past Embassy Attacks and look no Hillary. NOW WHAT?

Tuesday's attack at the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt was nothing new for American envoys and their staffs.
Throughout the years U.S. embassies all over the world have been targets of protests and violence by terrorist groups and discontented citizens trying to make a point, or just generally cause chaos and mayhem. Here is a list of such incidents stretching back almost fifty years.
Libreville, Gabon, March 5 and 8, 1964,: After a failed coup d'etat two weeks prior, the U.S. embassy began receiving threatening phone calls. At 8:15 pm on March 5, a small bomb exploded outside the empty embassy, cracking a few windows. On the evening of March 8, another small bomb exploded 50 feet from the embassy, causing no damage, and a drive-by shooting damaged an out wall. No one was hurt.
Saigon, Vietnam, January 31, 1968: Shortly after midnight on January 31, small group of Viet Cong fighters blasted a hole in the wall of the U.S. Embassy and engaged marines at the embassy in a firefight. By 9 am, the embassy was declared secure. The U.S. had been involved in the conflict in Vietnam for 2 and half years already at the time, and the incident was deeply unsettling to American interests in Vietnam.
Tehran, Iran, November 4, 1979: The attack that came to be known as the 'Iran Hostage Crisis' began at 6:30 am the morning of November 4, when a few hundred Iranian students called the "Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line" cut the fence to the U.S. embassy and broke through the gates. They initially intended only to make a symbolic occupation, but after the Ayatollah Khomeini expressed his support, and crowds outside the embassy cheered the students on, the occupation's goals changed. The hostages were held for 444 days, until January 20, 1981. A disastrous attempted rescue operation resulted in the deaths of 8 American servicemen and one Iranian civilian. The 52 hostages were released almost immediately after Ronald Regan was sworn into office.
Islamabad, Pakistan, November 22, 1979: Sparked by a report that the U.S. had bombed one of the holiest sites in the Muslim world, the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, a group of Pakistani students stormed the embassy and burned it down. The radio report turned out to be false: a Saudi Arabian had led a seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, two days earlier and took hundreds of people there for their pilgrimage hostage. Ayatollah Khomeini claimed that the U.S. was behind the attack.
Tripoli, Libya, December 2, 1979: The U.S. embassy was burned in retaliation for the supposed U.S.-led takeover of the Grand Mosque in Mecca. After the attack, all U.S. personnel were pulled out of Libya. The U.S. did not re-instate its diplomats in Libya until 2004.
Beirut, Lebanon, April 18, 1983: A suicide car bomb killed 63 people, including members of the U.S. embassy and CIA. The attack happened just after the Western-led Multinational Force had decided to intervene in the Lebanese Civil War. The Islamic Jihadist Organization took responsibility, saying, "This is part of the Iranian revolution's campaign against imperialist targets throughout the world. We shall keep striking at any imperialist presence in Lebanon, including the international force."
Kuwait City, Kuwait, December 12, 1983: A truck rammed into the front gates of the U.S. embassy and exploded, killing five people. The U.S. embassy was one of several targets hit that day, including the French embassy and the Kuwait International Airport.
Jakarta, Indonesia, May 1986: The Japanese Red Army fired on the Japanese, Canadian, and U.S. embassies. The Red Army's goals included overthrowing the Japanese government and starting a world revolution.
Rome, Italy, June 1987: The  Japanese Red Army again fired on the U.S. and British embassies in Rome.
Lima, Peru, January 15, 1990: The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, a left-wing insurgent group, bombed the U.S. embassy.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya, August 7, 1998: The bombings of these two embassies brought the name "Osama Bin Laden" to Americans' lips for the first time. The bombings resulted in over 4,000 people injured and 223 dead. The bombings are believed to have been a retaliatory move for the arrest and torture of four members of the Al-Qaeda affiliate, The Egyptian Islamist Jihad.
Paris, France, September 13, 2001: Four men were arrested in Rotterdam on conspiracy to plant a suicide bomber in the U.S. embassy in Paris. The NATO headquarters in Brussels was also targeted. The plot was discovered in July 2001 when a conspirator named Djamel Beghal was arrested in Dubai for passport fraud. He confessed after an interrogation. All the conspirators were part of a small satellite of Al-Qaeda.
Karachi, Pakistan, June 14, 2002, February 28, 2003, March 15, 2004, and March 2, 2006:The string of bombings and attempted bombings outside the U.S. consult in Karachi were thought to be in retaliation for the War on Terror in Afghanistan, and later Iraq. The first bomb in June 2002 was a suicide bomber, who killed 12 and injured 51 people. In February 2003, a gunman killed two police officer and injured five others outside the consulate. In March 2004, an attempted bombing was stopped when police discovered 200 gallons of liquid explosives in the back of a truck. In March 2006, another suicide bomber killed six people outside a nearby Marriott Hotel.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan, July 30, 2004: The U.S. and Israeli embassies were targeted by suicide bombers. Two security guards were killed.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, December 6, 2004: Militants breached the outer wall of the U.S. consulate and began shooting, but did not enter the consulate. Five civilians and the gunmen were killed. Ten people were wounded.
Damascus, Syria, September 12, 2006: Three gunmen were killed after they tossed grenades over the embassy's outer wall and a car bomb exploded outside the embassy. A Syrian security guard and a Chinese diplomat also died.
Athens, Greece, January 12, 2007: A rocket-propelled grenade was fired into the front of the U.S. embassy around 6 am in the morning. No one was killed or hurt. A Greek terrorist group called "Revolutionary Struggle" claimed responsibility.
Istanbul, Turkey, July 9, 2008: Kurdish Turks open fired around 11 am, killing six people and injuring one. The three men had suspected Al-Qaeda links, but this was never proven.
San'a, Yemen, September 7, 2008: 19 people died and at least 16 were injured when a group of men disguised at police attacked the outer security rim of the U.S. embassy. Al-Qaeda affiliate Islamic Jihad of Yemen claimed responsibility.
List found here on International Business Times

The Next President of The UNITED STATES.. You Go Girl!!!

Yes Finally!!! What a proud and monumental moment to see our first WOMAN Presidential Nominee ever!!! I must say it brought tears to my eyes, for more than one reason that is.

 Firstly watching a man that I have grown to LOVE, ADMIRE, TRUST and gave me a great sense of PRIDE will soon be leaving the White House.

 Secondly as the 1st BLACK PRESIDENT passed the baton to Our First Woman to get the nomination was very over-whelming..

With those thoughts now out of the way let me peel away the layers of HILLARY CLINTON I have found inspiring and hopeful. Before going any further let me start by saying NO ONE is perfect. That would include all races, religions, genders and professions. I just can't wrap my head around WHY ONLY HILLARY SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE?. The fact that her critics claim she can't be trusted and always choose to ignore her lifetime of service. I am not naive enough to think a life long politician should not have a few things they in hind sight would change. Now about this FAKE attack that Hillary is an abuser of women is a myth made up by the right. I was a grown ass woman at the time of Bill's escapades in the 90's and that's when I decided HILLARY handled being mocked, disrespected and publicly humiliated by actions of others, lead with GRACE and STRENGTH. (side note: LADYSWAY = like a palm tree in a storm I might sway and bend but never break) That's Hillary Clinton

Now I know this statement is going to upset a some of you, but I'm a realist and believe this to be true. There are plenty of women, not all or many but a few who believe the POWER IS THEIR PU**Y rather than THEIR BRAIN. Meaning they chase Famous or Powerful men with the hope of landing him. Once ignored the feeling of assault seems to take over. Now don't misunderstand me  yes, Bill was the President and should have been above this behavior but he wasn't. How is this Hillary's fault? Why is Sally Miller not held accountable for sleeping with a married man? Truth be told most women would have kicked her ass. Now this 3 times married buffoon with rape allegations   and lets not forget his 3 upcoming court dates is qualified to question Hillary's character?

                                                          Photo and article found here

Here's my take. I've been approached, flirted with and sexually harassed throughout my life. With that said I have NEVER gone with it to complain later. The complaint should come before the action and in the case of Sally Miller she was having an affair with a known married man, how is she the victim? Sorry let's let that go or place blame where it belongs.

 She has worked tirelessly against the grain to better the lives of many and I don't get this BULLSHIT that she is the worse person ever. However I know that strong women make weak men crumble and fall.

Oh and I'm going to suggest that the GOP should push education more in their platform rather than accepting peoples ignorance. Even though I get why they don't. How else can you blidly lead people to fight a fake battle. If they were independent thinkers this BENGAZI would be over.

These idiots have ran an entire campaign on this topic. Now an intelligent person would realize that sadly attacks happen  and if investigated to no avail would let it go. Not these dim-wits. Why I say this? Well here's a list I found on International Business Times of past Embassy Attacks and look no Hillary. NOW WHAT?

Tuesday's attack at the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt was nothing new for American envoys and their staffs.
Throughout the years U.S. embassies all over the world have been targets of protests and violence by terrorist groups and discontented citizens trying to make a point, or just generally cause chaos and mayhem. Here is a list of such incidents stretching back almost fifty years.
Libreville, Gabon, March 5 and 8, 1964,: After a failed coup d'etat two weeks prior, the U.S. embassy began receiving threatening phone calls. At 8:15 pm on March 5, a small bomb exploded outside the empty embassy, cracking a few windows. On the evening of March 8, another small bomb exploded 50 feet from the embassy, causing no damage, and a drive-by shooting damaged an out wall. No one was hurt.
Saigon, Vietnam, January 31, 1968: Shortly after midnight on January 31, small group of Viet Cong fighters blasted a hole in the wall of the U.S. Embassy and engaged marines at the embassy in a firefight. By 9 am, the embassy was declared secure. The U.S. had been involved in the conflict in Vietnam for 2 and half years already at the time, and the incident was deeply unsettling to American interests in Vietnam.
Tehran, Iran, November 4, 1979: The attack that came to be known as the 'Iran Hostage Crisis' began at 6:30 am the morning of November 4, when a few hundred Iranian students called the "Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line" cut the fence to the U.S. embassy and broke through the gates. They initially intended only to make a symbolic occupation, but after the Ayatollah Khomeini expressed his support, and crowds outside the embassy cheered the students on, the occupation's goals changed. The hostages were held for 444 days, until January 20, 1981. A disastrous attempted rescue operation resulted in the deaths of 8 American servicemen and one Iranian civilian. The 52 hostages were released almost immediately after Ronald Regan was sworn into office.
Islamabad, Pakistan, November 22, 1979: Sparked by a report that the U.S. had bombed one of the holiest sites in the Muslim world, the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, a group of Pakistani students stormed the embassy and burned it down. The radio report turned out to be false: a Saudi Arabian had led a seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, two days earlier and took hundreds of people there for their pilgrimage hostage. Ayatollah Khomeini claimed that the U.S. was behind the attack.
Tripoli, Libya, December 2, 1979: The U.S. embassy was burned in retaliation for the supposed U.S.-led takeover of the Grand Mosque in Mecca. After the attack, all U.S. personnel were pulled out of Libya. The U.S. did not re-instate its diplomats in Libya until 2004.
Beirut, Lebanon, April 18, 1983: A suicide car bomb killed 63 people, including members of the U.S. embassy and CIA. The attack happened just after the Western-led Multinational Force had decided to intervene in the Lebanese Civil War. The Islamic Jihadist Organization took responsibility, saying, "This is part of the Iranian revolution's campaign against imperialist targets throughout the world. We shall keep striking at any imperialist presence in Lebanon, including the international force."
Kuwait City, Kuwait, December 12, 1983: A truck rammed into the front gates of the U.S. embassy and exploded, killing five people. The U.S. embassy was one of several targets hit that day, including the French embassy and the Kuwait International Airport.
Jakarta, Indonesia, May 1986: The Japanese Red Army fired on the Japanese, Canadian, and U.S. embassies. The Red Army's goals included overthrowing the Japanese government and starting a world revolution.
Rome, Italy, June 1987: The  Japanese Red Army again fired on the U.S. and British embassies in Rome.
Lima, Peru, January 15, 1990: The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, a left-wing insurgent group, bombed the U.S. embassy.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya, August 7, 1998: The bombings of these two embassies brought the name "Osama Bin Laden" to Americans' lips for the first time. The bombings resulted in over 4,000 people injured and 223 dead. The bombings are believed to have been a retaliatory move for the arrest and torture of four members of the Al-Qaeda affiliate, The Egyptian Islamist Jihad.
Paris, France, September 13, 2001: Four men were arrested in Rotterdam on conspiracy to plant a suicide bomber in the U.S. embassy in Paris. The NATO headquarters in Brussels was also targeted. The plot was discovered in July 2001 when a conspirator named Djamel Beghal was arrested in Dubai for passport fraud. He confessed after an interrogation. All the conspirators were part of a small satellite of Al-Qaeda.
Karachi, Pakistan, June 14, 2002, February 28, 2003, March 15, 2004, and March 2, 2006:The string of bombings and attempted bombings outside the U.S. consult in Karachi were thought to be in retaliation for the War on Terror in Afghanistan, and later Iraq. The first bomb in June 2002 was a suicide bomber, who killed 12 and injured 51 people. In February 2003, a gunman killed two police officer and injured five others outside the consulate. In March 2004, an attempted bombing was stopped when police discovered 200 gallons of liquid explosives in the back of a truck. In March 2006, another suicide bomber killed six people outside a nearby Marriott Hotel.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan, July 30, 2004: The U.S. and Israeli embassies were targeted by suicide bombers. Two security guards were killed.
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, December 6, 2004: Militants breached the outer wall of the U.S. consulate and began shooting, but did not enter the consulate. Five civilians and the gunmen were killed. Ten people were wounded.
Damascus, Syria, September 12, 2006: Three gunmen were killed after they tossed grenades over the embassy's outer wall and a car bomb exploded outside the embassy. A Syrian security guard and a Chinese diplomat also died.
Athens, Greece, January 12, 2007: A rocket-propelled grenade was fired into the front of the U.S. embassy around 6 am in the morning. No one was killed or hurt. A Greek terrorist group called "Revolutionary Struggle" claimed responsibility.
Istanbul, Turkey, July 9, 2008: Kurdish Turks open fired around 11 am, killing six people and injuring one. The three men had suspected Al-Qaeda links, but this was never proven.
San'a, Yemen, September 7, 2008: 19 people died and at least 16 were injured when a group of men disguised at police attacked the outer security rim of the U.S. embassy. Al-Qaeda affiliate Islamic Jihad of Yemen claimed responsibility.
List found here on International Business Times

Thursday, July 28, 2016

If Being An Elitist Means I Don't Fall For Donald Trump's BS.. then so be it

Donald Trump Tells Thomas Roberts (msnbc) About His Relationship With Putin Back In 2013. Only an idiot would follow this deranged power hungry, greedy sociopath. I've never in all my 50 years seen such a large group of people follow an EGOMANIAC (dictators)other than in the history books, especially not one in the making. I must it's scary to watch. His flock being led to slaughter, puts me in the mind of Jim Jones and we know how that ended.
This a good example as to why Democrats and Liberals are now demonized as Elitist Because we refuse to be swindled, manipulated or tricked by someone who BLATANTLY LIES. I'm no Psychiatrist but I do believe he is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR who also is a Sociopath. Don't believe me? Then you listen to these symptoms and you tell me.

Don't forget he loves the uneducated


Before you go please check out this report

If Being An Elitist Means I Don't Fall For Donald Trump's BS.. then so be it

Donald Trump Tells Thomas Roberts (msnbc) About His Relationship With Putin Back In 2013. Only an idiot would follow this deranged power hungry, greedy sociopath. I've never in all my 50 years seen such a large group of people follow an EGOMANIAC (dictators)other than in the history books, especially not one in the making. I must it's scary to watch. His flock being led to slaughter, puts me in the mind of Jim Jones and we know how that ended.
This a good example as to why Democrats and Liberals are now demonized as Elitist Because we refuse to be swindled, manipulated or tricked by someone who BLATANTLY LIES. I'm no Psychiatrist but I do believe he is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR who also is a Sociopath. Don't believe me? Then you listen to these symptoms and you tell me.

Don't forget he loves the uneducated


Before you go please check out this report

Why Russians love Donald Trump - BBC News

Why Russians love Donald Trump - BBC News

Once Again We Mis-Understood

Bill O’Reilly Confronts Donald Trump for Touting Deportation. Do You Do You Know Putin

So one separatist  to another. You can't do that. And oh yeah did I say I knew Putin? One of many flip flips from #DUMBASSDONALD

Once Again We Mis-Understood

Bill O’Reilly Confronts Donald Trump for Touting Deportation. Do You Do You Know Putin

So one separatist  to another. You can't do that. And oh yeah did I say I knew Putin? One of many flip flips from #DUMBASSDONALD

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

2nd Night at the Democratic Convention 2016..Wow what a roller coaster ride

 WOW! What a roller coaster ride this has been thus far. This Black Liberal Democratic Lesbian, who also happens to be in a 16 year bi-racial relationship. (enough about me) :) was heart broken when I woke up Sunday morning to hear about the leaked emails. The day before our convention is to kick off? I was beside myself. But true to who we are as Democrats we slowly but steadily UNITED showing true democracy in action.

My emotions ran the gamut from anxiety, fear, frustration, curiosity, empathy, sympathy, pride, strength, hope and then finally UNITED!

Looking out in the crowds diversity and seeing them mirrored on stage is what TRUE DEMOCRACY looks like. WE THE PEOPLE!!!


With that said we as DEMOCRATS understand and realize the hostile world we live in is real, however we also understand and realize there's STRENGTH IN NUMBERS!

To summarize: I saw a party that is half & half PASSION and COMPASSION

thanks for stopping by. Oh.. feel free to comment.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Shultz Resigns on the Eve of the Convention


What The Fuck?!?!

Bernie Sanders Protesters


Oh damn.. here we go.



  Sanders Supporters vs Clinton Supporters

Oh shit! A revolt!

Stop giving the republicans ammunition

Full: Mothers of the Movement - Black Lives Matter - Democratic National Convention


As a mother of 23 year BLACK Male my heart ached for these women and frightened me at the same time




Rep. Joseph Crowley:  Where was Donald Trump after 9/11?

Finally! Trump is new to the rest of the country,  we here in the NYC/ Tri-State area have known since the 70's Trump is a selfish, greedy, racist pig! Blue Collar Billionaire MY ASS!!




9/11 Survivor Lauren Manning: Clinton stood with me through the darkest days 


Yes let's start focusing on the whole of Hillary

Madeleine Albright: TTrump undermines fight against ISIS by alienating our Muslim partners

Yes point out that Trump has made us more targeted just by running for President.




Bill Clinton Speaks To The Core of Hillary


Exactly! She's not a brainless cyborg gone rogue.

Alicia Keys


Always on the right side of history. Love this woman!



Hillary Clinton closes out Tuesday night at 2016 Democratic National Convention  

Side Note: What I took away from these first two days is that I'm on the right team. The team that is progressive, deep thinking, compassionate, innovative and diverse.So PRIDEFUL
Thanks again for stopping by. :)

2nd Night at the Democratic Convention 2016..Wow what a roller coaster ride

 WOW! What a roller coaster ride this has been thus far. This Black Liberal Democratic Lesbian, who also happens to be in a 16 year bi-racial relationship. (enough about me) :) was heart broken when I woke up Sunday morning to hear about the leaked emails. The day before our convention is to kick off? I was beside myself. But true to who we are as Democrats we slowly but steadily UNITED showing true democracy in action.

My emotions ran the gamut from anxiety, fear, frustration, curiosity, empathy, sympathy, pride, strength, hope and then finally UNITED!

Looking out in the crowds diversity and seeing them mirrored on stage is what TRUE DEMOCRACY looks like. WE THE PEOPLE!!!


With that said we as DEMOCRATS understand and realize the hostile world we live in is real, however we also understand and realize there's STRENGTH IN NUMBERS!

To summarize: I saw a party that is half & half PASSION and COMPASSION

thanks for stopping by. Oh.. feel free to comment.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Shultz Resigns on the Eve of the Convention


What The Fuck?!?!

Bernie Sanders Protesters


Oh damn.. here we go.



  Sanders Supporters vs Clinton Supporters

Oh shit! A revolt!

Stop giving the republicans ammunition

Full: Mothers of the Movement - Black Lives Matter - Democratic National Convention


As a mother of 23 year BLACK Male my heart ached for these women and frightened me at the same time




Rep. Joseph Crowley:  Where was Donald Trump after 9/11?

Finally! Trump is new to the rest of the country,  we here in the NYC/ Tri-State area have known since the 70's Trump is a selfish, greedy, racist pig! Blue Collar Billionaire MY ASS!!




9/11 Survivor Lauren Manning: Clinton stood with me through the darkest days 


Yes let's start focusing on the whole of Hillary

Madeleine Albright: TTrump undermines fight against ISIS by alienating our Muslim partners

Yes point out that Trump has made us more targeted just by running for President.




Bill Clinton Speaks To The Core of Hillary


Exactly! She's not a brainless cyborg gone rogue.

Alicia Keys


Always on the right side of history. Love this woman!



Hillary Clinton closes out Tuesday night at 2016 Democratic National Convention  

Side Note: What I took away from these first two days is that I'm on the right team. The team that is progressive, deep thinking, compassionate, innovative and diverse.So PRIDEFUL
Thanks again for stopping by. :)