Publisher's Notes

Thank you for stopping by NYC Mood Swings. As like everyone else I have mood swings, especially with all the turmoil in this Country and around the World. Here is where I unleash my opinions, thoughts, hopes and fears. Get involved in the discussion and leave a comment. I would like to give advance thanks to all media that I use to express my views here. Enjoy.

Monday, August 8, 2016


The Parade of Nations is always one of my most favorite and proud moment of all Olympic Ceremonies. Particularly 2016's, I found tears rolling down my cheeks and my heart full of PRIDE watching how beautiful and strong WE ARE AS A UNITED COUNTRY. It saddens me to almost depression knowing that those of this country who have had all opportunities afforded to them (white privilege) aka (bithers) can't see past their own failures and racism to notice UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL. But let's not forget this group of people seem to believe they have PATRIOTISM ON LOCK. No you are just a bunch of low self-esteem group of people who fear others success that doesn't look or speak like you.

We needed the Olympics more now than ever. The show of solidarity to achieve 
one goal (MOST GOLDS) is what we need now more than ever. And oh yeah it takes more than Republican Whites to get that job done. As I have highlighted below.

And no not track or basketball, fencing! Turn-Up USA!!
When I think of Simone Biles I think POWERFUL. Go get em' girl!!!
 Preach sister preach!


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