I am a 50 year old black woman who has been in bi-racial lesbian relationship for almost 17 years. I also am a mother of a 23 year old black son. As a resident of BROOKLYN, NY I know what racial harmony requires. In addition I also know what RACISM looks like.
I was 2 years old at the time of this speech. When no one else thought Blacks needed empathy, had feelings as WE mourned the loss of our beloved Dr. Martin Luther King. Keep in mind DONALD TRUMP wouldn't go to Chicago or Milwaukee during times of unrest. This is what a MAN OF THE PEOPLE LOOKS LIKE. (Democrat)
I sit here thinking of the right words to explain my thoughts without sounding partisan or victimized, because nothing would be further from the truth. I as an American have sat back and watched Donald Trump turn MY COUNTRY into self imploding mess.I might go on a bit of a tangent but I MUST SAY THIS before I IMPLODE!!
So here goes.. As a Black child born in the 60's I can say I've seen my share of racism, not a lot personally, but enough. My first experience was when the TV series ROOTS aired back in 1977. I was in middle school at the time, which was mixed (blacks, jews and whites) but predominantly white. However we all got along. This series had a really disturbing affect on our community though. For us black kids we felt anger, shame, pain and betrayed. We had possibly heard stories passed down through generations, but never actually been given a visual or such details before. Let's not forget to mention we were never taught about slavery in schools so it was a shock to our systems at the time. This is how I can best describe the feeling.
The white kids didn't respond much better, not quite sure why and I'm not going to assume why.
Due to generations ahead of us fighting for equality we were basically shielded from blatant racism, so yes it was shocking. The students began to segregate with name calling then fights to follow. This went on for about a month, but during that month I heard/ saw the most racist words/ behaviors I had ever seen. We gradually got passed it but that moment in time opened my eyes.
The white kids didn't respond much better, not quite sure why and I'm not going to assume why.
Due to generations ahead of us fighting for equality we were basically shielded from blatant racism, so yes it was shocking. The students began to segregate with name calling then fights to follow. This went on for about a month, but during that month I heard/ saw the most racist words/ behaviors I had ever seen. We gradually got passed it but that moment in time opened my eyes.
Simultaneously the inner cities were being ravished by drugs and violence. It's almost as if we (blacks) had turned on ourselves. But it wasn't that simplistic, how were we getting the drugs in? Why weren't the police trying to stop it? Why didn't the government step in to help us?
Now look what happens when it spreads into the white neighborhoods/ middle class
I recall chatter in the media at the time to add Ebonics to the class curricular into schools because Black People couldn't speak or learn American English.
noun: Ebonics
- American black English regarded as a language in its own right rather than as a dialect of standard English.
Which at the time I remember feeling insulted and not considered an American. Keep in mind my father a Retired Army Major and my mother an English Teacher, was being told I DON'T or CAN'T LEARN to speak English! ENGLISH, my first language!
The next time I can recall experiencing a racist tone was when I moved to Atlanta, Ga. back in 1991. I would hear "The white man ain't gonna let you do that" or "You better not let that white man hear you say that" and yes in 1991! Being from the NJ suburbs those thoughts were foreign to me. I remember thinking I don't need permission to have an opinion. Then thought how sad that these grown people felt as though they did.
Then this happened..
and this..
I can't speak for all Blacks, but all I can say for myself is YES I FIGURED OJ DID IT
but still hoped, wished and prayed that he would get away with it. And cheered when he did.
June 1994
I know that sounds cold and non sympathetic, not proud of it, but it's true. The reason should be obvious but in case it's not, I felt finally one for the team.
Here's two of my reasons:
Here's two of my reasons:
September 15, 1963: Four Black Girls Killed in Bombing of Birmingham, Alabama, Church
remember this one..
The police fired 41 shots, killing Mr. Diallo as he stood in the vestibule of his apartment building in the Bronx on Feb. 4, 1999. Although the officers said they believed he had a gun, Mr. Diallo was unarmed.
The Day After Diallo Acquittals
On February 25, 2000 a jury acquitted these officers of all charges. Protests erupted and confrontations between the police and demonstrators ensued, leading to yet more violence, antagonism and distrust.
Giuliani was Mayor
Giuliani was Mayor
The case also marked the beginning of the unraveling of Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani’s relationship with the black community in New York. That relationship would deteriorate even further, after the police shot two unarmed black men, Amadou Diallo in February 1999 and Patrick Dorismond in 2000.
Abner Louima is a Haitian who was assaulted, brutalized, and forcibly sodomized with a broken-off broom handle by officers of the New York City Police Department after he was arrested outside a Brooklyn nightclub in 1997.
Giuliani was still Mayor
One officer, Justin A. Volpe, admitted in court in May 1999 that he had rammed a broken broomstick into Mr. Louima’s rectum and then thrust it in his face. He said he had mistakenly believed that Mr. Louima had punched him in the head during a street brawl outside a nightclub in Flatbush, but he acknowledged that he had also intended to humiliate the handcuffed immigrant.
read story here
BullShit ALERT:
Rudy Giuliani~ served as the Republican mayor of New York City from 1994 until 2001. A prosecutor by trade, he presided over steep declines in both violent and quality-of-life crime. He was also widely praised for his leadership in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
This is My view on Giuliani and surprisingly TRUMP agrees
Giuliani has gotten praised as for being AMERICA'S MAYOR but let's examine that shall we: In the words of the great DONALD TRUMP (as seen in video below) HE WAS IN OFFICE AT THE TIME OF 911 WHAT ELSE WOULD GIULIANI'S RESPONSE HAVE BEEN?
Want to impress me, stop the attack from happening in the first place. He just cleaned up his own mess with human lives at stake.
Trump: Obama Didn't Kill Osama
During Guiliani's term POLICE BRUTALITY RAN RAMPANT IN NYC. He definitely lowered crime however BLACKS weren't the only ones committing crimes. But WE were the only community policed.
Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani is an American lawyer, ...... toward a run for President of the United States in 2008.
Failed then now trying to sneak in the back door with his fellow racist
And can't forget this..
Barbara Bush Calls Evacuees Better Off
"They're underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them" ... response of former first lady Barbara Bush after visit with hurricane evacuees
Sean Bell is killed after cops blasted 50 bullets in 2006
The Sean Bell shooting incident took place in the New York City borough of Queens, New York, United States, on November 25, 2006, when three men were shot a total of fifty times by a team of both plainclothes and undercover NYPD officers, killing Sean Bell on the morning before his wedding, and severely wounding two of ...
And the killing never stopped:
- February 26, 2012: Travon Martin (Florida)
- April 30, 2014: Dontre Hamilton (Milwaukee)
- July 17, 2014: Eric Garner (New York)
- Aug. 5, 2014: John Crawford III (Dayton, Ohio)
- Aug. 9, 2014: Michael Brown Jr. (Ferguson, Missouri)
- Aug. 11, 2014: Ezell Ford (Florence, California)
- Aug. 12, 2014: Dante Parker (Victorville, California)
- Nov. 13, 2014: Tanisha Anderson (Cleveland)
- Nov. 20, 2014: Akai Gurley (Brooklyn, New York)
- Nov. 22, 2014: Tamir Rice (Cleveland)
- Dec. 2, 2014: Rumain Brisbon (Phoenix)
- Dec. 30, 2014: Jerame Reid (Bridgeton, New Jersey)
- March 6, 2015: Tony Robinson (Madison, Wisconsin)
- March 31, 2015: Phillip White (Vineland, New Jersey)
- April 2, 2015: Eric Harris (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
- April 4, 2015: Walter Scott (North Charleston, South Carolina)
- April 19, 2015: Freddie Gray (Baltimore)
- July 13, 2015: Sandra Bland (Texas)
- July 6, 2016 Philando Castile (Minnesota)
But you do know who made it to jail safely? That's right! This moron. After taking him to Burger King

White suspect arrested in killing of nine at Black Church
Insert Trump's resentment
So as you can see on the documents below Trump has a true disdain for blacks from way back.
DOJ: Trump’s Early Businesses Blocked Blacks
A 1973 suit against Trump and the Trump Organization claimed that superintendents at Trump properties would mark African American’s applications with a ‘C’ for ‘Colored’ and other racial codes. Daily Beast
Then for Donald the worse thing ever THE BLACK BECOMES PRESIDENT
Then the discreting of OBAMA begins
Because you know for true racist the belief is NIGGERS SHOULD STAY IN THEIR PLACE: where is that place? beneath them.
The Birther Movement is born
even though no white President never had to prove place of birth because some obnoxious racist civilian demands it.
anywhere he would go
Once our President finally played this imbecile's game and presented his birth certificate #DUMBASSDONALD then claimed it was fake. Once that didn't work Trump went after his intellect. Funny I know. Demanding to see Obama's college transcripts, that fell flat fast
Finally MY PRESIDENT had the final word! Totally humiliating #DUMBASSDONALD publicly.
All the while killing Osama Bin Laden
The best was that Obama interrupted the last 5 minutes of Trump's The Apprentice season finale. Brilliance!!!!!
His Racism No Longer Could Be Contained
Birds of a feather flock together | ||
Trump’s Butler Hates ‘Negroes,’ Wanted to ‘Carpet Bomb’ Ferguson, Called ‘Killery’ Clinton a ‘C**t’Trump’s Mar-a-Lago butler seemed like a nice old man in a New York Times profile earlier this year. But his Facebook page reveals a racist, Hillary Clinton-hating monster. read more | ||
And The Hypocracy of Trump / Republicans
So for those BLACKS ON HIS PAYROLL TRYING TO MIND-FUCK ME INTO THINKING TRUMP IS CONCERNED ABOUT MY BLACK ASS I'M GOING TO SAY "I'm so sad that you are so self loathing that you would sell your soul to a RACIST DEVIL.
@Lawrence O'Donnell tried to worn us back in 2011
Foot Note: Trump is new to the rest of the country, but this is what WE NEW YORKERS think about TRUMP ~ He's a joke!
Correction: The Whole Country Thinks You're a JOKE!! BTW Where's his taxes?
Naked #Trump statue rescued from authorities, moved to private property @Nick_Hankoff— RT America (@RT_America) August 18, 2016
FULL: https://t.co/OB6k2tnxUP pic.twitter.com/Xoj5rl67Ze
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