Publisher's Notes

Thank you for stopping by NYC Mood Swings. As like everyone else I have mood swings, especially with all the turmoil in this Country and around the World. Here is where I unleash my opinions, thoughts, hopes and fears. Get involved in the discussion and leave a comment. I would like to give advance thanks to all media that I use to express my views here. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dear Liberals and Democrats

I reactivated this blog to share my thoughts on a multitude of topics, however it seems as though I am stuck on this crazy ass election. The reason for being stuck is I'm afraid. I'm very afraid! The thought that Trump might be our next President is frightening for me.

 What Part did the media play in the rise of Trump:

I'm going to say regurgitating the myth that Trump has a large base because a part of America were left out during Obama's Presidency (Blue Collared and Poor White People) But is that really the case? Could it be that the GOP to whom they voted for did nothing for them for 7 1/2 years but stop government and solely focused on ruining Obama's legacy. Not working for them ever. And the other half are a bunch of racist who have been following Trump since he ignited the BIRTHER movement.

How about My President Obama was left with the worst financial disaster since the GREAT
 DEPRESSION that took 8 cause. But once again the Media allows the RIGHT / GOP to continue this BULLSHIT that he didn't have any accomplishments.

Remember Trump loves the uneducated! I think that says a lot about Svengali like approach to his candidacy. 

This man is so vindictive, greedy, selfish, stupid, bombastic, racist, misogynistic and unread. Let me also add he can't relate to the middle class or the poor, which is the larger population in this country.

This man has proven that he has no empathy nor sympathy for no one. The fact that he has lied his entire campaign is mind boggling, that he is barely challenged by journalist / reporters. I'm very sadden that our News Media rather give Trump free advertising than hold him to the fire.

Then: Complete ban on Muslims ~  Now: We love our immigrants
Then:  I'm Building a Wall ~  Now: "There could certainly be a softening"
Then:  Mexicans are rapist/ murderers ~ Now: I Love the Hispanics
Then: I'm funding my own campaign ~ Now: Please donate
Then: Make America Great Again ~ Now: White supremacist running campaign
Then: Where's my Black? ~ Now: White supremacist running campaign
Then: I'm not in with Special Interest  ~ Now: Owes Goldman Sachs
Then: China to uphold intellectual property laws ~ Now: Owes China Billions of Dollars
Then: Crooked Hillary ~ Now: Many open court cases of his own

You get where I'm going with this. Why as Liberals / Democrats do we not fight back rather than be on Defense it's time to go on Offense!! When are we going to zero in on TRUMP's life, business practices and his finances. What about all of the open legal cases and court dates he is involved in.

We never hear the News Media investigate any of his past issues. They will pretend to do so but it is so obvious they only want the booking not the truth. I've never seen an entire group of people (Trump Surrogates) NEVER HAVE TO ANSWER A QUESTION. They redirect, yell, lash out or blatantly lie.

 However on the flip side Hillary Surrogates always approach the question as We're above the fray, but why? This fight is getting dirty. The Trump campaign has RUSSIA, WIKILEAKS, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, CNN and the White Supremacist Groups, THE FBI and CONGRESS fighting his fight.


The fact that Donald Trump continues to get free advertising from TV MEDIA is sickening. If we get stuck with this Misogynistic, Racist, Mentally Ill, Money Grubbing Mad Man we have the TV NEWS Media to thank.

Why do I say this? Just take a look at any cable news show. Donald's sounds bites, no matter how delusional or erratic they are played on a loop. Then in between showings of his sound bites they then have a 3 day discussion over that one statement. Or when Trump attacks Hillary with no bases in reality no one forces his team to respond, just redirect.

Now here we are discussing Bill and Hillary's CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE. You know why? Because DONALD SAID WE SHOULD.

Donald: Hillary is Crooked, Sick, Liar, Thief, Soft on Crime, Weak on Terrorist, Racist, Playing the Woman Card, Attacked Women, Not a Leader, .

Now let's break it down:

Real Estate mogul who has never been in politics call another weak (where's his record on toughness)

Real Estate mogul who has been named in rape, discrimination and lack of payment cases (Crook Behavior) Open court cases and court dates

Real Estate mogul has been found that 79% of what comes out of his mouth is a lie (No one never uses that as a come back)

Real Estate mogul sends out a fake Doctor's report on his health

Real Estate mogul wants to make police states in African American neighborhoods (because he thinks we don't count and are animals the Birther guy hates blacks)

Real Estate mogul clogs courts with stupid lawsuits to keep from paying his debts before he dies.

Real Estate mogul has used all donations to pay his own COMPANIES (so why does he claim she used politics to make money)

Real Estate mogul is losing on his white only platform now placating to African Americans and Hispanics (why play this BS on a loop)

Real Estate mogul has tried everything from selling steaks to Presidency ( Just searching for the next pay day)

Real Estate mogul has built his properties in places where he is not wanted (Uses court system to build anyway)

Real Estate mogul refuses to be transparent. He has closed cases from the public, no taxes, no donations, where's his off shore accounts, when will he bring his manufacturing to the US, why did he pay woman in rape case etc...

Real Estate mogul won't nail down a debate date (No scripts can be used)

Real Estate mogul focused on immigrants when his mother was one and 2 of his 3 wives

Real Estate mogul doesn't understand foreign policies 

Not sure why none of these things are talked about on TV NEWS MEDIA shows (and I don't mean the 2 statements in the day on these topics in comparison of the 24/7 Trump sound bite loops.

 Liberals / Democrats it's time to take off the GLOVES OFF. We have truth and facts on our side, use them. Stop being polite, patient and laid back! Force these News people to hear your points. Stop with the defensive arguments and start OFFENSE too much info to ignore!

Example: Strengthen our negotiating position by lowering our corporate tax rate to keep American companies and jobs here at home. ( How the hell has this been allowed to go unchallenged)

Instead of allowing the media to keep reporting on Donald's PIVOTS, call it what it is ERRATIC and Desperate Behavior (KING OF FLIP FLOPPING)

Lastly where are our tech savvy crews. Since it's the season of HACKING when will TRUMP get hacked? I'm sure there is some juicy stuff there to expose. The closest thing we have to investigative journalism is only coming from print reporters. They need help hats off to Washington Post

Dear Liberals and Democrats

I reactivated this blog to share my thoughts on a multitude of topics, however it seems as though I am stuck on this crazy ass election. The reason for being stuck is I'm afraid. I'm very afraid! The thought that Trump might be our next President is frightening for me.

 What Part did the media play in the rise of Trump:

I'm going to say regurgitating the myth that Trump has a large base because a part of America were left out during Obama's Presidency (Blue Collared and Poor White People) But is that really the case? Could it be that the GOP to whom they voted for did nothing for them for 7 1/2 years but stop government and solely focused on ruining Obama's legacy. Not working for them ever. And the other half are a bunch of racist who have been following Trump since he ignited the BIRTHER movement.

How about My President Obama was left with the worst financial disaster since the GREAT
 DEPRESSION that took 8 cause. But once again the Media allows the RIGHT / GOP to continue this BULLSHIT that he didn't have any accomplishments.

Remember Trump loves the uneducated! I think that says a lot about Svengali like approach to his candidacy. 

This man is so vindictive, greedy, selfish, stupid, bombastic, racist, misogynistic and unread. Let me also add he can't relate to the middle class or the poor, which is the larger population in this country.

This man has proven that he has no empathy nor sympathy for no one. The fact that he has lied his entire campaign is mind boggling, that he is barely challenged by journalist / reporters. I'm very sadden that our News Media rather give Trump free advertising than hold him to the fire.

Then: Complete ban on Muslims ~  Now: We love our immigrants
Then:  I'm Building a Wall ~  Now: "There could certainly be a softening"
Then:  Mexicans are rapist/ murderers ~ Now: I Love the Hispanics
Then: I'm funding my own campaign ~ Now: Please donate
Then: Make America Great Again ~ Now: White supremacist running campaign
Then: Where's my Black? ~ Now: White supremacist running campaign
Then: I'm not in with Special Interest  ~ Now: Owes Goldman Sachs
Then: China to uphold intellectual property laws ~ Now: Owes China Billions of Dollars
Then: Crooked Hillary ~ Now: Many open court cases of his own

You get where I'm going with this. Why as Liberals / Democrats do we not fight back rather than be on Defense it's time to go on Offense!! When are we going to zero in on TRUMP's life, business practices and his finances. What about all of the open legal cases and court dates he is involved in.

We never hear the News Media investigate any of his past issues. They will pretend to do so but it is so obvious they only want the booking not the truth. I've never seen an entire group of people (Trump Surrogates) NEVER HAVE TO ANSWER A QUESTION. They redirect, yell, lash out or blatantly lie.

 However on the flip side Hillary Surrogates always approach the question as We're above the fray, but why? This fight is getting dirty. The Trump campaign has RUSSIA, WIKILEAKS, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, CNN and the White Supremacist Groups, THE FBI and CONGRESS fighting his fight.


The fact that Donald Trump continues to get free advertising from TV MEDIA is sickening. If we get stuck with this Misogynistic, Racist, Mentally Ill, Money Grubbing Mad Man we have the TV NEWS Media to thank.

Why do I say this? Just take a look at any cable news show. Donald's sounds bites, no matter how delusional or erratic they are played on a loop. Then in between showings of his sound bites they then have a 3 day discussion over that one statement. Or when Trump attacks Hillary with no bases in reality no one forces his team to respond, just redirect.

Now here we are discussing Bill and Hillary's CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE. You know why? Because DONALD SAID WE SHOULD.

Donald: Hillary is Crooked, Sick, Liar, Thief, Soft on Crime, Weak on Terrorist, Racist, Playing the Woman Card, Attacked Women, Not a Leader, .

Now let's break it down:

Real Estate mogul who has never been in politics call another weak (where's his record on toughness)

Real Estate mogul who has been named in rape, discrimination and lack of payment cases (Crook Behavior) Open court cases and court dates

Real Estate mogul has been found that 79% of what comes out of his mouth is a lie (No one never uses that as a come back)

Real Estate mogul sends out a fake Doctor's report on his health

Real Estate mogul wants to make police states in African American neighborhoods (because he thinks we don't count and are animals the Birther guy hates blacks)

Real Estate mogul clogs courts with stupid lawsuits to keep from paying his debts before he dies.

Real Estate mogul has used all donations to pay his own COMPANIES (so why does he claim she used politics to make money)

Real Estate mogul is losing on his white only platform now placating to African Americans and Hispanics (why play this BS on a loop)

Real Estate mogul has tried everything from selling steaks to Presidency ( Just searching for the next pay day)

Real Estate mogul has built his properties in places where he is not wanted (Uses court system to build anyway)

Real Estate mogul refuses to be transparent. He has closed cases from the public, no taxes, no donations, where's his off shore accounts, when will he bring his manufacturing to the US, why did he pay woman in rape case etc...

Real Estate mogul won't nail down a debate date (No scripts can be used)

Real Estate mogul focused on immigrants when his mother was one and 2 of his 3 wives

Real Estate mogul doesn't understand foreign policies 

Not sure why none of these things are talked about on TV NEWS MEDIA shows (and I don't mean the 2 statements in the day on these topics in comparison of the 24/7 Trump sound bite loops.

 Liberals / Democrats it's time to take off the GLOVES OFF. We have truth and facts on our side, use them. Stop being polite, patient and laid back! Force these News people to hear your points. Stop with the defensive arguments and start OFFENSE too much info to ignore!

Example: Strengthen our negotiating position by lowering our corporate tax rate to keep American companies and jobs here at home. ( How the hell has this been allowed to go unchallenged)

Instead of allowing the media to keep reporting on Donald's PIVOTS, call it what it is ERRATIC and Desperate Behavior (KING OF FLIP FLOPPING)

Lastly where are our tech savvy crews. Since it's the season of HACKING when will TRUMP get hacked? I'm sure there is some juicy stuff there to expose. The closest thing we have to investigative journalism is only coming from print reporters. They need help hats off to Washington Post

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Epic Scamming of America by Crooked Donald Trump

Why is this Corrupt Swindler the consciousness of our country?

Since the media has decided to be a puppet of the TRUMP CAMPAIGN I decided to do some investigating on my own. Here's a few things I found online alarming about one of our Presidential Nominees. And no it's not the normal sound bites like emails and Bengazi.

You all know I am a huge Hillary Clinton supporter, I have been following her career for decades and I must say she is a Tough Old Broad. I cannot reconcile why these attacks on The Clintons that Donald Trump and GOP are using because they have no real ideas or plans gets so much air time. To watch news organizations like CNN just regurgitate Trump’s bombastic accusations without investigation is really frustrating the hell out of me. 
So the argument of who to trust is ridiculous. The GOP has mind f**ked the country into believing ONLY HILLARY has questionable interactions to get her agenda done. When in reality that is POLITICS, they all do it. However Hillary is the only one having to answer for it. I guess what I’m saying is I DON”T CARE ABOUT EMAILS and anyone else who thinks Hillary should be marginalized because the GOP says so, PAY FOR PLAY is not a free thinker.
The Clinton Global Initiative has done more for the world in 11 years than Donald Trump has in 70. So why is the media not asking TRUMP but "What have you done for me lately?" You know.. who has he supported or donated.

 Does anyone else feel as though Donald Trump is using the election process for a profit? 
Am I supposed to be concerned about Bill and Hillary’s Global Inititive and NOT the lack of financial disclosure of Donald Trump? 

Now let’s take a look at Donald Trump shall we, you know the guy who has loans from Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, which is based in German and The Bank of China for a few.
 Not sure why the media doesn’t speak about this. Especially CNN what the f**k?

 For a rich man, Donald Trump is suspiciously familiar with bankruptcy court. Oh, but never for himself, he’ll rush to explain. Those were companies he “put into a chapter”—presumably Chapter 11—and the times he “used the laws of the country” to cut deals with creditors and avoid financial ruin. Trump has sought bankruptcy protection for some of his biggest investments, including the Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Castle, and the Plaza Hotel.

read more on The Atlantic

He Forgets to say how and why.

New York Times came out with an article earlier this week about tiny Donnie’s finances which got me to thinking.. Not only are the left being swindled by Donald Trump but more so the people who are supporting him.

article begins

Beyond finding that companies owned by Mr. Trump had debts of at least $650 million, The Times discovered that a substantial portion of his wealth is tied up in three passive partnerships that owe an additional $2 billion to a string of lenders, including those that hold the loan on the Avenue of the Americas building. If those loans were to go into default, Mr. Trump would not be held liable, the Trump Organization said. The value of his investments, however, would certainly sink.

  Mr. Trump has said that if he were elected president, his children would be likely to run his company. Many presidents, to avoid any appearance of a conflict, have placed their holdings in blind trusts, which typically involves selling the original asset, and replacing it with different assets unknown to the seller. read more

more about Donald’s loans
 For example, an office building on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, of which Mr. Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan. Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it paid her $675,000 in speaking fees.

The trial  for Trump University is set for November  — just after Election Day. here are the details

We Investigated, Donald Trump is Named in at Least 169 Federal Lawsuits

Here are some highlights in chronological order: found on

  • The U.S. Department of Justice sued Trump for an antitrust violation in 1988 and won. Trump was forced to pay $750,000. The real-estate magnate agreed to pay the penalty stemming from his attempted takeovers of two companies. The feds said that his stock purchases in the companies violated the FTC’s notification requirements.
  • 1990 was a big legal year for Donald Trump. He was named as a defendant in 21 lawsuits filed by different businesses and individuals. Several sued him for securities fraud and breach of contract. Most of the complaints stem from the Trump’s corporation filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy from creditors following the building of the Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. By 1991, the resort was nearly $3 billion in debt, according to the New York Times.
  • It’s not just Trump being sued. He has sued Palm Beach, where he has a home, at least three different times. In 1992, he filed a $100 million lawsuit over the membership club Mar-a-Lago, the council eventually “acquiesced” and allowed him to make some of his property into a private club. He then sued the Palm Beach Airport for noise violations, and tried to prevent them from expanding near his private club. Palm Beach County estimates that legal fights with Trump related to the airport have cost taxpayers at least $600,000. The most entertaining is probably the $25 million lawsuit he filed against the town, who cited him for displaying an American flag on his property. “The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself,” Trump said, according to Politico. “They’re fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history.”
  • In 1995, the personal assistant to Donald Trump’s ex-wife Marlafiled a federal lawsuit against them that went on for years. It readslike an article in the National Inquirer, with accusations of nude pictures being sent to tabloids, and panty stealing. In 2003, a judge finally dismissed the case, calling the plaintiff’s case full of “ramblings.”

  • New Hampshire man, upset he didn’t appear on Trump’s reality show The Apprentice, sued for allegedly discriminating against an older contestant. The 51-year-old withdrew his lawsuit after entering into a settlement agreement, according to Law 360.
  • A college student filed a lawsuit against Trump’s profit seeking college, Trump University, and a federal judge eventually ordered the school pay $798,000 in legal fees, according to Courthouse News. The student claimed the university and Trump engaged in deceptive practices, and that the seminars were nothing more than infomercials. Trump’s name was eventually dropped from the suit.
  • Rafel Oliveras and Lopez De Victoria who live in Puerto Rico filed a lawsuit last year.  The duo claim “Candidate Donald Trump publicly disgraced and discriminated against Hispanics by wholesale comparing them with murderers, rapists and known gang members.” The couple wants him barred him from seeking the office of President of the United States all together. Good luck, with that one.
  • The most recent lawsuit was filed in December by Federick Banks — who says he is an American Indian Witch. He also sued the CIA director.

 This is just a few

Here’s what I found on BBB site, even though Trump has had the name of his organization changed


In May 2011, this firm informed the BBB that it has officially changed its name from Trump University LLC, effective May 21, 2010.  According to information provided by this firm, Trump Entrepreneur Initiative is a for-profit company which sells products, classes, memberships, seminars and workshops and provides educational materials and support for entrepreneurs.  This firm does not grant academic degrees or certification.
Find complaints here

California woman’s rape lawsuit against Donald Trump resurfaces in New York court

A new lawsuit filed in Manhattan Federal Court alleges that Donald Trump repeatedly raped a 13-year-old girl a little over 20 years ago. According to the now-adult woman’s filing, the sexual assaults took place at parties held by Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire former hedge funder who pleaded guilty in 2008 to charges involving soliciting sex from underage girls as young as 14.

Here's Where Trump's Campaign Has Spent Money On 

Trump's Brand

From the moment he announced his candidacy, Donald Trump's campaign for president has been a Trum branded affair. He slipped down a golden escalator at Trump Tower, wife Melania Trump at his side, for an introduction by daughter Ivanka Trump. He has held subsequent events at Trump properties, bought food from Trump restaurants and kept folks hydrated with Trump Ice water.

In July Trump spent 
 just shy of $7.7 million on Trump-branded products, including reimbursements to Trump-named surrogates.  

The Epic Scamming of America by Crooked Donald Trump

Why is this Corrupt Swindler the consciousness of our country?

Since the media has decided to be a puppet of the TRUMP CAMPAIGN I decided to do some investigating on my own. Here's a few things I found online alarming about one of our Presidential Nominees. And no it's not the normal sound bites like emails and Bengazi.

You all know I am a huge Hillary Clinton supporter, I have been following her career for decades and I must say she is a Tough Old Broad. I cannot reconcile why these attacks on The Clintons that Donald Trump and GOP are using because they have no real ideas or plans gets so much air time. To watch news organizations like CNN just regurgitate Trump’s bombastic accusations without investigation is really frustrating the hell out of me. 
So the argument of who to trust is ridiculous. The GOP has mind f**ked the country into believing ONLY HILLARY has questionable interactions to get her agenda done. When in reality that is POLITICS, they all do it. However Hillary is the only one having to answer for it. I guess what I’m saying is I DON”T CARE ABOUT EMAILS and anyone else who thinks Hillary should be marginalized because the GOP says so, PAY FOR PLAY is not a free thinker.
The Clinton Global Initiative has done more for the world in 11 years than Donald Trump has in 70. So why is the media not asking TRUMP but "What have you done for me lately?" You know.. who has he supported or donated.

 Does anyone else feel as though Donald Trump is using the election process for a profit? 
Am I supposed to be concerned about Bill and Hillary’s Global Inititive and NOT the lack of financial disclosure of Donald Trump? 

Now let’s take a look at Donald Trump shall we, you know the guy who has loans from Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, which is based in German and The Bank of China for a few.
 Not sure why the media doesn’t speak about this. Especially CNN what the f**k?

 For a rich man, Donald Trump is suspiciously familiar with bankruptcy court. Oh, but never for himself, he’ll rush to explain. Those were companies he “put into a chapter”—presumably Chapter 11—and the times he “used the laws of the country” to cut deals with creditors and avoid financial ruin. Trump has sought bankruptcy protection for some of his biggest investments, including the Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Castle, and the Plaza Hotel.

read more on The Atlantic

He Forgets to say how and why.

New York Times came out with an article earlier this week about tiny Donnie’s finances which got me to thinking.. Not only are the left being swindled by Donald Trump but more so the people who are supporting him.

article begins

Beyond finding that companies owned by Mr. Trump had debts of at least $650 million, The Times discovered that a substantial portion of his wealth is tied up in three passive partnerships that owe an additional $2 billion to a string of lenders, including those that hold the loan on the Avenue of the Americas building. If those loans were to go into default, Mr. Trump would not be held liable, the Trump Organization said. The value of his investments, however, would certainly sink.

  Mr. Trump has said that if he were elected president, his children would be likely to run his company. Many presidents, to avoid any appearance of a conflict, have placed their holdings in blind trusts, which typically involves selling the original asset, and replacing it with different assets unknown to the seller. read more

more about Donald’s loans
 For example, an office building on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, of which Mr. Trump is part owner, carries a $950 million loan. Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, after it paid her $675,000 in speaking fees.

The trial  for Trump University is set for November  — just after Election Day. here are the details

We Investigated, Donald Trump is Named in at Least 169 Federal Lawsuits

Here are some highlights in chronological order: found on

  • The U.S. Department of Justice sued Trump for an antitrust violation in 1988 and won. Trump was forced to pay $750,000. The real-estate magnate agreed to pay the penalty stemming from his attempted takeovers of two companies. The feds said that his stock purchases in the companies violated the FTC’s notification requirements.
  • 1990 was a big legal year for Donald Trump. He was named as a defendant in 21 lawsuits filed by different businesses and individuals. Several sued him for securities fraud and breach of contract. Most of the complaints stem from the Trump’s corporation filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy from creditors following the building of the Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. By 1991, the resort was nearly $3 billion in debt, according to the New York Times.
  • It’s not just Trump being sued. He has sued Palm Beach, where he has a home, at least three different times. In 1992, he filed a $100 million lawsuit over the membership club Mar-a-Lago, the council eventually “acquiesced” and allowed him to make some of his property into a private club. He then sued the Palm Beach Airport for noise violations, and tried to prevent them from expanding near his private club. Palm Beach County estimates that legal fights with Trump related to the airport have cost taxpayers at least $600,000. The most entertaining is probably the $25 million lawsuit he filed against the town, who cited him for displaying an American flag on his property. “The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself,” Trump said, according to Politico. “They’re fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history.”
  • In 1995, the personal assistant to Donald Trump’s ex-wife Marlafiled a federal lawsuit against them that went on for years. It readslike an article in the National Inquirer, with accusations of nude pictures being sent to tabloids, and panty stealing. In 2003, a judge finally dismissed the case, calling the plaintiff’s case full of “ramblings.”

  • New Hampshire man, upset he didn’t appear on Trump’s reality show The Apprentice, sued for allegedly discriminating against an older contestant. The 51-year-old withdrew his lawsuit after entering into a settlement agreement, according to Law 360.
  • A college student filed a lawsuit against Trump’s profit seeking college, Trump University, and a federal judge eventually ordered the school pay $798,000 in legal fees, according to Courthouse News. The student claimed the university and Trump engaged in deceptive practices, and that the seminars were nothing more than infomercials. Trump’s name was eventually dropped from the suit.
  • Rafel Oliveras and Lopez De Victoria who live in Puerto Rico filed a lawsuit last year.  The duo claim “Candidate Donald Trump publicly disgraced and discriminated against Hispanics by wholesale comparing them with murderers, rapists and known gang members.” The couple wants him barred him from seeking the office of President of the United States all together. Good luck, with that one.
  • The most recent lawsuit was filed in December by Federick Banks — who says he is an American Indian Witch. He also sued the CIA director.

 This is just a few

Here’s what I found on BBB site, even though Trump has had the name of his organization changed


In May 2011, this firm informed the BBB that it has officially changed its name from Trump University LLC, effective May 21, 2010.  According to information provided by this firm, Trump Entrepreneur Initiative is a for-profit company which sells products, classes, memberships, seminars and workshops and provides educational materials and support for entrepreneurs.  This firm does not grant academic degrees or certification.
Find complaints here

California woman’s rape lawsuit against Donald Trump resurfaces in New York court

A new lawsuit filed in Manhattan Federal Court alleges that Donald Trump repeatedly raped a 13-year-old girl a little over 20 years ago. According to the now-adult woman’s filing, the sexual assaults took place at parties held by Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire former hedge funder who pleaded guilty in 2008 to charges involving soliciting sex from underage girls as young as 14.

Here's Where Trump's Campaign Has Spent Money On 

Trump's Brand

From the moment he announced his candidacy, Donald Trump's campaign for president has been a Trum branded affair. He slipped down a golden escalator at Trump Tower, wife Melania Trump at his side, for an introduction by daughter Ivanka Trump. He has held subsequent events at Trump properties, bought food from Trump restaurants and kept folks hydrated with Trump Ice water.

In July Trump spent 
 just shy of $7.7 million on Trump-branded products, including reimbursements to Trump-named surrogates.