Publisher's Notes

Thank you for stopping by NYC Mood Swings. As like everyone else I have mood swings, especially with all the turmoil in this Country and around the World. Here is where I unleash my opinions, thoughts, hopes and fears. Get involved in the discussion and leave a comment. I would like to give advance thanks to all media that I use to express my views here. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I Should Start Looking for a New Job

My stomach was so nervous this morning as I sat on the sofa with coffee in hand, news on the television and blogging on the laptop. I felt as though I was having an anxiety attack. I knew someting was wrong, but wasn't sure exactly what. I get to work about 1:30p everything seemed as status quo. There was one thing different all of the higher ups were locked in the conference room. I still didn't see anything wrong at that point. So I carried on as usual since it's Monday before pay day I had to do payroll so I approached my boss to ask about Holiday pay for the part timers. He pulled me to the side and said that I should start looking for another job. He explained that they will be laying off all across the board. I was numb and just went into auto pilot, he wasn't sure when or if it is definite.

My partner of 7 years has been laid off since May and now both of us will be on unemployment. Will we be able to survive? My next thought was my health insurance.

I have been frustrated for along time trying to nuture my own business and maintain a full time job. So the best way for me to handle this is believing

things happen for a reason. I'll keep you posted.

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

I Should Start Looking for a New Job

My stomach was so nervous this morning as I sat on the sofa with coffee in hand, news on the television and blogging on the laptop. I felt as though I was having an anxiety attack. I knew someting was wrong, but wasn't sure exactly what. I get to work about 1:30p everything seemed as status quo. There was one thing different all of the higher ups were locked in the conference room. I still didn't see anything wrong at that point. So I carried on as usual since it's Monday before pay day I had to do payroll so I approached my boss to ask about Holiday pay for the part timers. He pulled me to the side and said that I should start looking for another job. He explained that they will be laying off all across the board. I was numb and just went into auto pilot, he wasn't sure when or if it is definite.

My partner of 7 years has been laid off since May and now both of us will be on unemployment. Will we be able to survive? My next thought was my health insurance.

I have been frustrated for along time trying to nuture my own business and maintain a full time job. So the best way for me to handle this is believing

things happen for a reason. I'll keep you posted.

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Feelings of Inadequatcy

I have a very self assured persona that seems to fool a lot people. Some days I really believe it myself, however today is not one of those days. I am a scared little girl on the inside full of doubts and fears. I feel as though any accomplishments I might have are just a fluke and will be revealed as a hoax. I am an Event Coordinator for a very well known company in New York City that I must admit I stumbled into. I was hired as a Customer Service/ Registrar about 4 years ago, from there I became Manager of the Call Center then down sizing hit and I was switched to an Event Coordinator. It's a fun and interesting job but I feel as though I'm out of my league at times. Today I really messed up on one of our locations for a class. I never reserved the room for tonight. After some confusion early in the night I was able to fix the situation, but I discovered 2 more errors for the rest of the week. The common sense me knows these mistakes can be rectfied but the emotional me is screaming "Now they all will know You're a fraud!!"

Here it is the next day, didn't sleep well worrying about the situation I'm in. Only thing left for me to do is fix it. I'm on the train headed to a new location where I hope to strike a deal to cover my ass for this upcoming Weds class I screwed up. Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted.
I was able to fix that problem with the help of the Catering Manager at a hotel that I use alot. So once again things worked and I was not exposed.

Here we're into a new week and I have yet to post this as you can see. I haven't been in the office since last Wednesday it's now Tuesday. I am beginning to fall into a state of depession which is being triggered by my job, fibromyalgia and financial situation. I am so anxiety rittled I feel as though my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I need some finacial miracle like the lottery. Does anyone else go through these emotional roller coasters?

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone

Feelings of Inadequatcy

I have a very self assured persona that seems to fool a lot people. Some days I really believe it myself, however today is not one of those days. I am a scared little girl on the inside full of doubts and fears. I feel as though any accomplishments I might have are just a fluke and will be revealed as a hoax. I am an Event Coordinator for a very well known company in New York City that I must admit I stumbled into. I was hired as a Customer Service/ Registrar about 4 years ago, from there I became Manager of the Call Center then down sizing hit and I was switched to an Event Coordinator. It's a fun and interesting job but I feel as though I'm out of my league at times. Today I really messed up on one of our locations for a class. I never reserved the room for tonight. After some confusion early in the night I was able to fix the situation, but I discovered 2 more errors for the rest of the week. The common sense me knows these mistakes can be rectfied but the emotional me is screaming "Now they all will know You're a fraud!!"

Here it is the next day, didn't sleep well worrying about the situation I'm in. Only thing left for me to do is fix it. I'm on the train headed to a new location where I hope to strike a deal to cover my ass for this upcoming Weds class I screwed up. Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted.
I was able to fix that problem with the help of the Catering Manager at a hotel that I use alot. So once again things worked and I was not exposed.

Here we're into a new week and I have yet to post this as you can see. I haven't been in the office since last Wednesday it's now Tuesday. I am beginning to fall into a state of depession which is being triggered by my job, fibromyalgia and financial situation. I am so anxiety rittled I feel as though my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I need some finacial miracle like the lottery. Does anyone else go through these emotional roller coasters?

-- Post From LadySway's Iphone